Identify all the systems that affect joeys life


Joey is a 12-year-old boy who is currently living in foster care with a relative. Six months ago, he was removed from the care of his father; this happened after his school nurse called CPS when Joey came to school with bruises on his arm and face. Joey was placed with his maternal aunt and uncle, who live in a community about 50 minutes away from his home. According to case files from the CPS worker, Joey has lived with his father since the death of his mother two years ago. His father has struggled with alcohol abuse since his wife's death, and he becomes angry when drunk.

The service plan for the family requires Joey's father to attend weekly counseling sessions at the local family service agency, go to weekly alcohol treatment meetings, and have weekly visits with Joey that are supervised by Joey's aunt and uncle. Unfortunately, conflict between Joey's foster family and his father has limited the number of visits. Joey is having difficulty adjusting to his new school, so he is meeting with the school social worker. All this information will be presented to the juvenile court at his six-month review.

Identify all the systems that affect Joey's life. Discuss the interactions between Joey and the systems you have identified.

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