
Identify all the internal and external customers


1.Identify all the internal and external customers. How do you define quality from the multiple perspectives/roles? Express your answer in the form a table (row= customer, column = quality measures)

2. Layout the process by determining what activities are considered to be value added and non-value added.

3. Considering the objectives of the hospital, describe how you would develop a quality plan (summarize your thoughts in less than 250 words).

4. Reflecting back on your answers to question 1, what data is needed to ensure the quality of service?

5. How would you develop standards/guidelines using these measurements/data? Draw an example of the visualization tool (for example

a line chart, pie chart, etc....) that you could use to monitor each of these measurements.

6. What would you consider to be "waste"? What are a few small changes that can be made to eliminate waste?

7. Suppose that it is determined to change the current inventory levels for many medications in the hospital (making them lower) August 1 2016. Name at least one risk of doing so and discuss how you could use a risk management tool that we have discussed to help mitigate this risk.

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Microeconomics: Identify all the internal and external customers
Reference No:- TGS01807717

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