
Identify all of the social and environmental risk factors


A. Identify all of the social and environmental risk factors from the list below that you believe are relevant to Diabetes, Chronic Kidney Disease and Obesity. (You should have at least two). Explain how each risk factor is relevant to those health condition, including at least one in-text citation for each risk factor and a properly formatted reference list at the end.

a. Access to grocery stores and farmers markets - # of grocery stores and farmers' markets within a half-mile

b. Supermarket access - % of people in urban areas who live within a half-mile of a supermarket/large grocery store

c. Alcohol availability - % of people who live within one over fourmile of a store that sells alcohol

d. Binge drinking - % of adults who drank five or more alcoholic drinks (men) or four or more alcoholic drinks (women) at least once within the past month

e. Current smoker - % of adults who currently smoke

f. Near-roadway pollution - % of the population living within two hundred meters of a high-traffic road with more than twenty five thousand vehicles per day

g. Clean air - diesel PM - average daily amount of particulate pollution (very small particles) from diesel sources

h. Clean air - PM two point five - yearly average of fine particulate matter concentration (very small particles from vehicle tailpipes, tires and brakes, power plants, factories, burning wood, construction dust, and many other sources)

i. Tree canopy (HPI) - % of land with tree canopy (weighted by number of people per acre)

j. Access to parks - # of parks within a half-mile

k. Park access - % of the population who live within a half-mile of a park, beach, or open space greater than 1 acre

l. Walk trips - Estimated # of walks around the neighborhood per household per day

m. No leisure time physical activity - % of people who do not exercise or participate in physical activities (outside of their regular job)

B. How does air pollution contribute to the development and/or worsening Cerebrovascular disease? Discuss the specific physiological changes associated with Cerebrovascular disease and how continued exposure to air pollution can make symptoms worse. Answering this question will require you to do some outside research.

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Biology: Identify all of the social and environmental risk factors
Reference No:- TGS03296856

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