
Identify activities associated with stage of development

Assignment Task: Stage Research

Assignment Objective: To provide students with an opportunity to further understand developmental theory and to apply developmental theory.

Course Learning Outcomes:

a) Identify activities associated with a specific stage of development

b) Research Erik Erikson's psychosocial stages and one other developmental theory

c) Research environmental factors that can interfere with the stages of development

d) Explain possible measures that could be taken to minimize the negative impact of the environmental factors

Assignment Directions:

  • You will be assigned one of the following growth and development stages:
  • Infancy
  • Early Childhood
  • Middle Childhood
  • Adolescence
  • Early Adulthood
  • Middle Adulthood
  • Late Adulthood
  • Write a 6-8 page research paper (not including title and reference pages) based on the following components:

1) Introduction: after a brief overview of the developmental stage, indicate what the reader can expect to learn about in your paper.

2) Brief discussion of one normal developmental activity for individuals in this age range. This developmental activity could be in the area of physical, cognitive, emotional or social development.

3) Discussion of what Erik Erikson thought was the key crisis and main event(s) occurring during this developmental stage and how this theory explains normal developmental activity during this stage.

4) Discussion of one other developmental theory covered in the course and how this theory explains normal developmental activity during this stage.

5) Description of one negative environmental factor that can interfere with the normal developmental activity.

6) Discussion of two preventative measures that can help protect an individual from the negative environmental factor before it has occurred.

7) Discussion of two intervention measures that can help minimize the negative impacts of the environmental factor after it has occurred.

8) Conclusion: summarize key findings from your research.

Development Theories for Stage Research

For this assignment, you'll have a number of choices for a second theory (in addition to what Erikson had to say about your assigned stage). This listing provides ideas of theories and theorists appropriate for your stage. If there is a name or theory not on this list that you wish to research for this assignment and are not sure if it's appropriate, please let me know.

1. Infancy

  • Jean Piaget
  • B.F. Skinner & shaping (teaming theory)
  • Critical (sensitive) period hypothesis in language development (Penfield, Chomsky & p. 98)
  • Harry and Margaret Harlow
  • John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth
  • Margaret Mahler - separation-individuation
  • Sigmund Freud

2. Early Childhood

  • Margaret Mahler - separation-individuation
  • Jean Piaget
  • Lev Vygotsky
  • Alberta Bandura - observational learning
  • Lawrence Kohlberg
  • Sigmund Freud

3. Middle Childhood

  • Jean Piaget
  • Freud
  • Daniel Goleman
  • David Wechsler
  • Howard Gardner
  • Robert Sternberg
  • Ray Cattell
  • Lawrence Kohlberg
  • Lev Vygotsky

4. Adolescence

  • Jean Piaget
  • David Elkind
  • Lawrence Kohlberg
  • John Holland
  • James Marcia
  • Lev Vygotsky

5. Early Adulthood

  • Cattell and Horn - Crystallized and Fluid Intelligence
  • La bouvie-Vier s Theory of Pragmatic Thought
  • Donald Super's Career Stages
  • Daniel Levinson's Seasons of Life
  • Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love

6. Middle Adulthood

  • K. Warner Schaie's Research (p. 266-269)
  • Daniel Levinson's Seasons of Life
  • Cattell and Horn - Crystallized and Fluid Intelligence
  • Midlife Crisis - Elliott Jacques
  • The Life Events Approach (p. 276)
  • The Five-Factor Model of Personality (Costa and McCrae)

7. Late Adulthood

  • Daniel Levinson's Seasons of Life
  • Cattell and Horn - Crystallized and Fluid Intelligence
  • Programmed Theories of Aging (be specific in your research);
  • Cellular Damage Theories of Aging (be specific in your research)
  • Robert Peck's Developmental Tasks
  • Activity Theory
  • Socio-Emotional Selectivity Theory
  • Stages of Dying - Elisabeth Uhler-Ross (p. 318)
  • John Bowlby - Stage Theory of Grief (p. 328)

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