An analysis of the impact of using robotic technology in the automotive industry
Identify academically reliable sources of information, such as journal and specialist texts.
Outline relevant and suitable information from academic sources
Conduct research to collect information on the topic assigned. Sources must be reputable and reliable ( academic papers, books and scholarly journals tend to provide the best information) A minimum of 10 Sources must be cited
1 Show in text citations effectively, consistently and with the necessary modifications.
2 Apply standard and appropriate academic conventions to style own writing.
3 Use coherence and cohesion to style own writing effectively.
4 Construct valid arguments and refutations by supporting claims.
5 Assess critically secondary research data by paraphrasing and / or summarasing it.
Write a review paper of approximatley 2200 words
Paper should include
Multiple secions summarising and synthesising the main points
Literature cites - use the APA referencing system