
Identify a zoning issue or building code controversy from

Term paper seattle Washington
A. Zoning: The Universal Issue

Identify a zoning issue or building code controversy from your city. Whether it is creating specific zones for sexually themed establishments, permitting multi-family conversions of single family dwellings, easing zoning roadblocks to rapid gentrification, enabling major commercial developments in residential areas, or allowing historical structures to be demolished, no city is free of zoning controversies. Even in the rare city without zoning regulation, such as Houston, lack of regulation leading to haphazard growth becomes the issue.

With regard to your chosen zoning issue, identify competing or allied stakeholders (e.g., developers vs. community residents; owners of sexually themed establishments vs. elected officials; religious leaders allied with residents vs. expansion-minded drinking establishments). Identify the approach that your agency/city has taken on the matter you've chosen. What strategic goals appear to be served by this approach?

The Critical Building Safety, Housing and Development Related Issue Facing the City

Based on the range of materials reviewed in putting together this paper, the student must identify the issue he/she believes is the most critical being faced at the present time by:

  • Defining the issue succinctly
  • Setting forth key elements of the problem/issue that need to be addressed
  • Explaining how the issue relates to mandates of city housing-related agencies
  • Demonstrating by reference to actual events what the impacts have been
  • Showing how analysts project this issue playing out in your city in coming years
  • Identifying stakeholders and where they stand on how to deal with the issue

•Giving your own recommendations/strategies for how the agency/city can most effectively deal with the issue.


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Reference No:- TGS0967871

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