
Identify a strategic issue challenge or goal for yourself

Question 1

What is strategy? animated video, prepare an initial post of at least 200 words that discusses how strategy development is similar and how it is different in the private sector (business) versus the public sector (government). Feel free to also include your reaction to or critique (helpful? not?) of the animated video.

Question 2

Google the five-step process for strategic planning

For this assignment, identify a strategic issue, challenge, or goal for yourself or for an organization with which you work. Use the five-step process outlined in the textbook to do some initial brainstorming of strategies to address the strategic issue, challenge, or goal (we know that in a real organizational strategic planning process, you would be brainstorming with others rather than by yourself).

Prepare and submit a statement of the strategic issue, challenge, or goal you are addressing (and whether it is for yourself, your household, or an organization), and come up with as many ideas for strategies as possible using and applying the five-step process. For this assignment, you must offer more than one strategy option. Capture and explain all of your brainstorming, addressing each of the five steps/questions for each of the possible strategies you come up with.

Question 3

Imagine that you are part of a two-person team responsible for facilitating your organization's (or an organization for which you want to work) strategy development phase in the strategic planning process. Select one of the guidelines (numbered guidelines) on page 245-270 of the textbook (in chapter 7). Think about and explain how the guideline you selected can be used or applied to benefit your organization's development of strategies to address strategic issues and goals. How would you implement or use this guideline as you work with your colleagues to come up with strategies?

Question 4

Read Appendix D in the textbook. Don't get hung up on the specific issues in the diagrams (they are examples), but do try to develop an understanding of the process of action-oriented strategy mapping. Reread the section on Unpacking Loaded Concepts on pages 487-490. Think about the use of How? and Why? brainstorming and comparing notes on what the participants have written.

Prepare a short paper (approximately 250 words) about what action-oriented strategy mapping is, how it is used, and how it works. Also address whether you think the How? and Why? brainstorming in the Unpacking Loaded Concepts section might be a helpful tool in developing strategies.

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Dissertation: Identify a strategic issue challenge or goal for yourself
Reference No:- TGS02694027

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