
Identify a specific treatment approach for treating one

Discussion 1 - Types of Sex Offenders

Sex offenders are some of the most feared and despised offenders in the criminal justice system, yet they are also some of the least understood.

Due to the nature of the crimes that sexual offenders commit and the media saturation that can be related to these crimes, American culture has been considerably affected by Megan's Law, community notification rights for sex offenders, and beliefs about sex offender incarceration. Media depictions of the "worst of the worst" sex offenders put all types of sex offenders under one overarching label. Sex offenders, as a forensic population, actually are quite heterogeneous and there are substantial differences among the types of sex offenders.

However, because of media representations and generalizations, it is not apparent in popular discourse how sex offender types differ. Additionally, because of these differences among types of sex offenders, treatment approaches and outcomes differ, too. Power rapists, date rapists, hebephiles, pedophiles, incest offenders, exhibitionists, regressed pedophiles, and sexually abusive individuals are all very different from one another and require different treatment approaches.

When it comes to treatment approaches and outcomes, it is imperative to understand the individual offender as well as the type of sexual deviance.

For example, the power rapist who chooses unknown victims usually presents with predatory behavior, which may complicate treatment approaches. Each offender's offense history and psychology must be evaluated and considered when selecting a treatment approach and ensuing outcome.

To prepare for this Discussion:

• Review the website Center for Sex Offender Management: Subtypes and Typologies. Consider similarities and differences among the types of sex offenders.

• Review Chapter 11, "Sex Offenders: Assessment and Treatment," in the course text Correctional Counseling and Treatment.Focus on the treatment challenges related to sex offenders.

• Review the course media "Sexually Violent Predators" and "Sexual Predators Lack Empathy" from The Criminal Mind. Think about the characteristics of sexual offender populations that present challenges to successful treatment.

• Review the course media "Sexually Violent Predators: Patients' Rights" and "Effects of Sexually Violent Predators Law" from The Criminal Mind. Consider the legal challenges related to the successful treatment of sexual offenders.

• Select two types of sex offenders to compare for this Discussion.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 3 a brief description of the two types of sex offenders you selected and explain at least two similarities and two differences between these two types of sex offenders. Then explain one challenge related to the treatment of each type of sex offender.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Discussion 2 - Treating Sex Offenders in the Field

Treatment of sex offenders occurs in various forms and settings: group settings in a correctional environment, individual therapy in the correctional environment, group settings in the outpatient setting, and individual therapy in the outpatient setting.

While many sex offenders are mandated to complete treatment, some sex offenders are willing to participate in order to lead more normal lives. Treatment approaches, however, can be affected by available resources in a particular setting. For example, many offender programs rely on group interventions because of cost effectiveness as well as treatment efficacy.

In addition to group and individual treatment approaches, there are other evidence-based intervention approaches for certain sex offenders. For example, certain sex offenders may be good candidates for pharmacological interventions. The use of antidepressants, hormones, and various other pharmacological agents can help the offender to achieve greater self-control of their inappropriate sexual impulses.

Some sexual offender treatment programs use biofeedback approaches that measure sexual responses. Still other treatment programs use a combination approach in which group therapy is the core of the experience, with individual interventions augmenting the treatment process.

One advantage to utilizing an array of treatment approaches is the amount of empirical research used to support, alter, or discontinue a given intervention. Many programs and approaches have been evaluated in several different treatment settings to address the efficacy of the intervention.

But each study is unique in how it measures success, for example, recidivism, relapse, or harm-reduction. Fortunately, sex offender treatment is an area of research that has continued to receive attention as a result of increased interest since the passing of Megan's Law and other, similar legislation.

To prepare for this Discussion:

• Review Chapter 11, "Sex Offenders: Assessment and Treatment," in the course text Correctional Counseling and Treatment. Pay particular attention to the types of sex offenses as well as sex offender treatment approaches.

• Review the article "Therapeutic Responses of Psychopathic Sexual Offenders: Treatment Attrition, Therapeutic Change, and Long-Term Recidivism" in this week's Learning Resources. Consider the efficacy of different treatment approaches for sex offenders.

• Identify a specific treatment approach for treating one group of sex offenders that is of particular interest to you.

• Conduct an academic search in the Walden Library and select at least one scholarly article from a peer-reviewed journal that discusses the treatment approach you selected. Ensure that the treatment demonstrates efficacy in the treatment of your selected offender group.

• Think about the unique characteristics of the sex offender group you selected and reflect on considerations related to their treatment.

• Consider the challenges you might encounter when using the specific treatment approach with your selected group of sex offenders. Reflect on how you would address these challenges.

• Review the course document, Treatment Outcome Models provided in the introduction area to this week's discussion.

• Think about how the success of the treatment approach could be evaluated with each treatment outcome model.

• Select one treatment outcome model that you think would be most effective for measuring the success of the treatment approach and consider why.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 4 a brief description of the research article you selected. Include the type of sex offender and treatment approach. Then explain which treatment outcome model you would use to measure program success and why.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Article :


2. Therapeutic Responses of Psychopathic Sexual Offenders: Treatment Attrition, Therapeutic Change, and Long-Term Recidivism By Mark E. Olver and Stephen C. P. Wong

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Dissertation: Identify a specific treatment approach for treating one
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