Both topics require you to watch the documentary Micha Peled's Bitter Seeds in its entirety. The vod link to the film is available on Canvas.
Topic 1
Extract a specific idea from the essay, "A House on Fire" and use it to critically examine Bitter Seeds.
First, identify a specific idea from the essay (1 sentence). If it takes longer than one sentence to describe, then it's too broad.
Second, discuss the significance of the selected idea. For instance, how is it related to globalization? Why does the author think it's an important issue, etc., (2-3 sentences)
Third, relate this idea to a specific theme in Bitter Seeds (4-5 sentences).
This means finding a theme that is organically linked to the essay. The environmental fallout from commercial aquaculture (as discussed in "A House on Fire") does not correspond well to a film about Indian farmers and their use of hybrid seed.
Topic 2
Identify a specific idea from Vandana Shiva's essay, "The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply" that resonates with the documentary film Bitter Seeds and write a response critically examining how Shiva's essay sheds light on the documentary film.
First, identify a specific idea from Shiva's essay (1 sentence). If it takes longer than 1 sentence to describe, then it's too broad.
Second, discuss the significance of the selected idea. For instance, how is it related to globalization? Why does the author think it's an important issue, etc., (2-3 sentences)
Third, critically examine how Shiva's essay sheds light on "Bitter Seeds." (4-5 sentences)
Advice for topics 1 and 2: Because this is a short response, you must make sure that your writing is concise and clear. I recommend the following steps: write an outline; write a first draft; then, write a revised draft. Ask a classmate or roommate to read it and give you feedback. Then (if you need more help), make an appointment with a writing tutor at the Howe Center or meet with me.
- Use no more than one direct quote in each paragraph. Keep each quote to 1 or 2 lines at a time. Direct quotes are marked by double quotation marks.
- Do not summarize the film and do not summarize the essay.
- Take a look at a sample student response available on Canvas.
- DO NOT use outside research.
- Include a correctly formatted Works Cited page.