
Identify a small business modify your innovation principles


Design an Innovation System

Task: You are required to prepare a power point slides and present in the class on your findings by addressing the points below:

1. Innovation system features that you have identified listed under the following headings (Dimensions of innovation):

• A managed innovation process

• Strategic alignment

• Industry foresight

• Consumer/customer insight

• Core technologies and competencies

• Organisational readiness

• Disciplined implementation.

2. Profile of a great innovator.

• Description of the innovation/innovator.

• Type of innovation (product, process, marketing or organisational).

• How their innovation led to benefits for their organisation.

• Challenges and problems faced by the innovator.

• Explain how they developed the innovation with specific reference to:

idea generation

idea evaluation

3. Innovation principles

• Five to ten principles you have developed based on your research.

• Explain why you chose these principles.

• Explain how you could promote them in a workplace.

4. Processes for idea generation and idea evaluation.

• Explain how they work.

• Provide flowcharts.

5. A standard implementation plan for implementing an innovation program in a small business.

ASSESSMENT 2 - Written Report

Innovation projects consultation

This information is to be handed to each student to outline the assessment requirements

Task: In this assessment, you are required to prepare a project which consists of report. You are required to:

1. Identify a small business.

2. Survey the business using the seven dimensions of strategic innovation .

3. Modify your innovation principles and processes to address the business' specific needs.

4. Scope out an area/department to run a pilot program.

5. Identify key stakeholders.

6. Develop an implementation plan.

7. Develop a communication plan.

8. Obtain approval from stakeholders.

9. Communicate the project to all participants and stakeholders.

10. Lead the pilot of the innovation system for at least two innovations of any type (product, process, marketing,organisational).

11. Review outcomes with key stakeholders.

In your report, include the points below:

1. Profile of the organisation, including:

• description

• innovation goals

• key stakeholders

2. Summaries of:

• consultation with key stakeholders

• pilot including monitoring of outcomes

3. Innovation leadership, including how you:

• were involved in leadership and management activities

• received ideas from others to encourage innovation

• established trusting relationships with participants

• encouraged considered risk taking with respect to the innovations

• complied with organisational approaches, policies, procedures and processes

4. Work practice establishment, including how you:

• consulted on existing systems and innovation needs (using attached template)

• introduced new processes (idea generation and evaluation)

• encouraged participation in new processes

• introduced tools and disciplines for innovation (innovation principles)

5. Innovation promotion, including how you:

• acknowledged suggestions from participants

• promoted innovation ideas and outcomes

• evaluate the innovations within the wider organisational context (e.g.: internal or external client feedback and involvement)

6. Provision of learning opportunities, including how you:

• actively share information, knowledge and skills

• coach participants

• establish buddying and mentoring for innovation

7. Documentation including:

• survey: seven dimensions of strategic innovation

• process documents (modified for business)

• innovation principles (modified for business)

• client surveys and feedback on innovations

8. All relevant plans including:

• implementation plan

• communication plan

• stakeholder mapping

• professional development plan for participants

ASSESSMENT 3 - Observation

Workspace redesign

This information is to be handed to each student to outline the assessment requirements

Task: In this assessment, you are required to prepare power point slides and present in the class by working with a team to redesign a workspace so that it can support innovation activities more effectively.

You must:

1. Form project teams of three people (yourself and two stakeholders that use the workspace) that you will work with for the duration of this task.

2. Identify a workspace. You can use any place where groups of people work, including your place of learning.

3. Brainstorm A - With your project team, brainstorm a list of design points for the workspace. Ensure that you include points that support innovation (such as collaborative spaces, social areas, etc.). You can record the list on the attached workspace evaluation form.

4. Evaluation - With your project team, evaluate the chosen workspace against the criteria using a rating system (again, you can use the attached workspace evaluation as a starting point).

5. Brainstorm B - With your project team brainstorm solutions as a group that will address deficiencies in design points identified in your evaluation. Include at least two stakeholders that use the workspace in your brainstorm.

6. Record proposed solutions for both the physical environment.

7. Produce sketches of the proposed changes. You can use:

• hand drawn sketches

• diagramming software (Visio, Cord)

• photos

• videos

8. Present findings during scheduled session time.

In your presentation, include the following points:

1. Introduction

• Description of the workplace.

• Brief organization profile.

• Workplace goals and objectives.

• Why innovation is important for this workplace.

2. Brainstorm A - Evaluation criteria

• Design points.

• An indication of why these design points are required.

3. Evaluation

• Completed evaluations.

• Summary of evaluations.

4. Brainstorm B - Solutions

• Summary of solutions.

• Sketches/visuals.

• Rationale for these solutions.

• Inspiration/sources for these solutions (you can cite inspirations from the internet, magazines, site visits, etc).

• External assistance required to implement.

• Approximate cost.

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Operation Management: Identify a small business modify your innovation principles
Reference No:- TGS02680919

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