
Identify a small business and survey the business using the

Part -1:

You must demonstrate your ability to analyse the innovation system needs of a business, develop a plan for an innovation system and pilot the implementation of innovation projects through this system to meet organisational needs.

Assessment description

You will be acting as a consultant to a small business (this could be one that you already work in). You will modify your innovation system developed earlier and pilot it in the business.

Before you commit to a business, validate the readiness of the business for an innovation program. Survey existing workplace systems carefully and identify how you will integrate innovation processes with existing business systems and processes.

Note: If you don't have a workplace that you can undertake this task in, you can use another type of non-business organisation such as a social club or sports club.


1. Identify a small business.

2. Survey the business using the seven dimensions of strategic innovation (see attached template).

3. Modify your innovation principles and processes to address the business' specific needs.

4. Scope out an area/department to run a pilot program.

5. Identify key stakeholders.

6. Develop an implementation plan.

7. Develop a communication plan.

8. Obtain approval from stakeholders.

9. Communicate the project to all participants and stakeholders.

10. Lead the pilot of the innovation system for at least two innovations of any type (product, process, marketing, organisational).

11. Review outcomes with key stakeholders.

Adjustment for distance-based learners

• Evidence can be submitted electronically or posted in the mail.

• A follow up interview may be required (at the discretion of the assessor).

Part -2:

You may have found that you encountered a barrier to innovation in the previous assessment task, namely, the physical environment.

A critical factor for enabling innovation is the design of workspaces. Innovative workspaces typically include:

  • collaborative spaces
  • social areas
  • inspirational features (designs, interesting objects, posters).

And you don't need to build the Googleplex in order to foster innovation. Many improvements can be achieved on low/no budgets with simple reorganisation of workspaces.

In this assessment, you will work with a team to redesign a workspace so that it can support innovation activities more effectively.


  1. Form project teams of three people (yourself and two stakeholders that use the workspace) that you will work with for the duration of this task.
  2. Identify a workspace. You can use any place where groups of people work, including your place of learning.
  3. Brainstorm A - With your project team, brainstorm a list of design points for the workspace. Ensure that you include points that support innovation (such as collaborative spaces, social areas, etc.). You can record the list on the attached workspace evaluation form.
  4. Evaluation - With your project team, evaluate the chosen workspace against the criteria using a rating system (again, you can use the attached workspace evaluation as a starting point).
  5. Brainstorm B - With your project team brainstorm solutions as a group that will address deficiencies in design points identified in your evaluation. Include at least two stakeholders that use the workspace in your brainstorm.
  6. Record proposed solutions for both the physical environment.
  7. Produce sketches of the proposed changes. You can use:

o   hand drawn sketches

o   diagramming software (Visio, Corel)

o   photos

o   videos.

  1. Present findings during scheduled session time.

Adjustment for distance-based learners:

The presentation can be adjusted for distance learning. The presentation for this task can be varied to take place on Skype conference (or any other video conferencing tool available to the learner). Additionally:

  • The project team or group does not need to be fellow students but can be comprised of friends, family, local club members, workmates, and so on.
  • The candidate should be encouraged to allow video (if using Skype) so that others can see them while they are presenting.
  • The candidate should email presentation material (PowerPoint slides) to the assessor prior to the presentation.
  • A follow up interview may be required (at the discretion of the assessor).
  • Evidence can be submitted electronically or posted in the mail.

Option 1: Assessor as observer

The assessor can 'observe' the learner conducting the presentation via a video conferencing tool.


  • Meet with the assessor on Skype at the scheduled time and conduct the presentation.
  • The learner is to present their advertising pitch with the assessor observing.
  • Supplementary information or a follow up interview may be required (at the discretion of the assessor).

Option 2: Video the presentation

The presentation may involve skills that are too active or complex for video conferencing. This might involve skills or demonstrations of complex tasks.

In these cases, the learner may be able to video the presentation and send it to the assessor.

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Business Management: Identify a small business and survey the business using the
Reference No:- TGS0653595

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