
Identify a significant human performance



Your performance will be assessed through the creation of a comprehensive plan or proposal for conducting analysis. This involves defining and defending all the phases of a FEA/Needs Assessment and subsequent project proposal plan for a "problem" and "context" of your own choice. You may choose a real or an imaginary context, which may be either in the corporate training or the formal education area. The "problem" may reflect a combination of "current" and "future" needs. The comprehensive plan should:

1. Identify a significant human performance-oriented problem in a context of your own choosing.

2. Clarify this problem: e.g., whose problem? How big/frequent is this problem? Who/what is affected?

3. Justify the importance of solving this problem.

4. Hypothesize possible causes using one of the FEA models

5. Select appropriate approaches, procedures, and instrumentation for the solutions

6. Propose the best solution(s) with justifications

7. Present your plan.

The plan may include any (or all) of the following: narrative, charts, diagrams, outlines, lists, tables, matrices, or other presentation techniques that will help to present the plan.

Note: Each problem and context in the real world is unique so the outline is provided only as an initial guide. Suggested techniques and resources are included as examples of what you might use when actually planning or implementing your study.

Deliverable 1: FEA Plan Proposal

The initial proposal should address the following requirements:

1. Identify a significant human performance-oriented problem in the context of your own choosing, introduce the context.

2. Clarify this problem: e.g., whose problem? How big/frequent is this problem? Who/what is affected?

3. Justify the importance of solving this problem.

4. Briefly explain your plan for the next steps.

Deliverable 2: FEA Plan Draft

Your Plan draft should include any updates in sections from your proposal. In addition, the draft should address the following:

1. Describe tools you will use to investigate the problem.

2. Propose potential causes and solutions.

Deliverable 3: FEA Plan Presentation

Present your FEA plan in class. This presentation should be no longer than 15 min to allow time for feedback. You will also need to submit a written critique of two of your peer's plans.

Deliverable 4: FEA Plan Final Paper

Your final paper should include the follow (restated from above):

1. Identify a significant human performance-oriented problem in the context of your own choosing.

2. Clarify this problem: e.g., whose problem? How big/frequent is this problem? Who/what is affected?

3. Justify the importance of solving this problem.

4. Hypothesize possible causes using one of the FEA models

5. Select appropriate approaches, procedures, and instrumentation for the solutions

6. Propose the best solution(s) with justifications

The criteria by which the plan will be judged are:

• The problem and its context are clearly and adequately defined/described;

• You make clear why this problem is important and warrants a solution;

• You justify how you seek solutions;

• You select appropriate approaches, procedures and instrumentation for your analysis and you justify your selection;

• You present your plan in the form of a project proposal document to your "Top Client" (or a simulated representative thereof) and classmates.

The minimal length of the final paper is 12 pages (not including references and appendices) double space.

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Humanities: Identify a significant human performance
Reference No:- TGS02966358

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