
Identify a research gap and problematize it

Assignment task: Knowledge is generated and disseminated through research. In other words, research helps to answer a question that you (and other people) have about the world. This is one of the most basic reasons for performing research. The main purpose of research is to inform action, to prove a theory, and contribute to developing knowledge in a field or study. It is a tool for building knowledge and for facilitating learning. It is a means to understand various issues and increase public awareness, and aid business success.

Research is done to investigate a problem from different lenses of research, and it should be well problematized by the researcher. Problematization in the sense of challenging assumptions and disrupting current ways of thinking and doing research about a particular subject matter appears, therefore, as a central ingredient in generating research questions that are likely to lead to more influential theories than typically is the case.  It is therefore about understanding the existential elements of those involved as challenges (problems) that invite the people involved to transform those situations.

Identify a research gap and problematize it. The research gap should be based on the one the following areas:

  • Entrepreneurial opportunity exploitation
  • Business Resilience
  • Inter-organization coordination
  • Project sustainability

The content should include the following:

  • Introduction/ background to the study
  • Problem statement (empirical, contextual, and theoretical gap)
  • 4-5 Objectives of the study.
  • Conceptual framework
  • Theories that inform the study
  • Methodology to guide the study

Note:  Referencing and citations should follow APA 7th Edition

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Reference No:- TGS03360859

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