
Identify a quality early childhood education research

Assignment - Analyze and Critique Research


You have spent some time in this module, learning how to select, analyze, and critique educational research; it's now time to apply those skills.

Think back to the questions from Selecting, Analyzing, and Critiquing Research. Through this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of how to select, analyze, and critique research.

For this assignment:

1. Identify a quality early childhood education research article online from a quality source (as discussed on the Selecting, Analyzing, and Critiquing Research page in this module) that was written within the past 3 years.

2. Using proper grammar and correct spelling, write a 2 paper analyzing and critiquing the article using the questions above. Do not simply answer the questions with a "yes" or "no" response; answers should demonstrate knowledge, application, and analysis skills. (This paper should not be a summary of the findings but rather a thorough look at the research itself.)

3. Include information on how you determined the research was from a quality source.

4. Include an APA formatted reference page.

Keep these questions in mind and remain critical when reviewing research. A thorough review is important for determining whether research is credible and valuable. Without quality research, early childhood professionals cannot advance the field.

Evaluating Quantitative Research

When evaluating quantitative research, ask yourself these questions:

• What is the source? Is it credible? Is it from a scholarly or professional source?

• Is it written well? Is the grammar correct? Does the author avoid using jargon? Does the author write clearly and logically?

• Are the researchers qualified in the area they are researching?

• Is the purpose clearly stated? Can you easily identify the objective?

• Is there a literature review with a balanced analysis of primarily recent literature?

• Has a conceptual or theoretical framework been identified and described?

• Is a research question or hypothesis identified?

• Was the target population selected and treated in an ethical manner? Is it large enough?

• Is the methodology described? Is it a valid way to study the problem? Could the study be duplicated based on the description?

• Was the hypothesis supported? Did the author discuss the strengths and limitations of the study?

• Does the study match the stated objective?

• Did the author recommend research to be completed in the future?

• Is an accurate reference list included?

Evaluating Qualitative Research

When evaluating qualitative research, ask yourself these questions:

• What is the source? Is it credible? (Is it from a scholarly or professional source?)

• Is it written well? (Is the grammar correct? Does the author avoid using jargon? Does the author write clearly and logically?)

• Are the researchers qualified in the area they are researching?

• Are the purpose, objectives, and research question identified?

• Is there an organized literature review with a balanced analysis of primarily recent literature?

• Has an appropriate conceptual or theoretical framework been identified and described?

• Has an appropriate philosophical approach been identified and described?

• Was a rationale for the study design identified?

• Was an appropriate sampling method and sample size identified? Was the sample appropriate for the research?

• Was the target population selected and treated in an ethical manner?

• Are data collection strategies and the strategies to analyze the data described?

• Does the author describe results and limitations of the study?

• Does the author identify conclusions such as the relevance and implications of the findings? Do the findings address the original purpose of the research? Does the author describe implications for future research?

• Is an accurate reference list included?

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Business Law and Ethics: Identify a quality early childhood education research
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