
Identify a problem to solve as a team you can come up with

Assessment Details: Part 1: Design Documentation and Peer Review

This stage requires you to select a problem to solve using one of the available Mindstorms Robots, design a possible solution to this problem and submit this solution design for peer review. You are also required to peer review the designs of two other students in the course.

The design documentation is to be completed in groups of 2-3 students. Your team will be allocated from your lab group. Peer reviews will be completed individually.

Problem Selection: Identify a problem to solve as a team. You can come up with any problem of interest (perhaps a design thinking workshop could help generate ideas?), or use the ideas below as suggestions. Your problem must:

• Be challenging for you. You are being assessed on your application of problem solving skills, so any problem that is too easy will not give you the opportunity to demonstrate this.

• Require you to use a variety of problem solving strategies / techniques to complete

• Be creative. Fun is a huge element of a hackathon, so you want to select something that you will enjoy.

• Require you to code the behaviour. Controlling the robot's movements through a remote is not permitted (although a limited amount of this may be done in support of coded behaviours)

• Work within the capabilities of your robot. You are not permitted to modify the robot builds, other than to switch between the available attachments as appropriate. You may add temporary enhancements, such as using glad wrap, putting on temporary decorative clothing or applying a rubber band, provided the changes do not affect the structure of the robot, do not impair its capacity to function, do not leave any mark or residue on the robot and can be quickly applied and removed.

Your problem must also not be something that you can solve by following previously created instructions or downloading existing programs.

For example, you cannot just use the code examples provided in the Mindstorms tutorials, even if you recreate them yourself, and you cannot download existing code from the internet.


• Sort objects in different locations based on colour

• Build something by collecting pieces and assembling / layering them in a specific location

• Play hide-and-seek, using an IR sensor to locate the IR remote

• Battle another robot (two teams from one lab group could each program one robot to compete). Just remember not to damage the robots!

• Follow a path through an unseen obstacle course - perhaps use colour, or object sensing (or both?) to determine movements

Design Documentation

Once you have selected a problem, your team must create documentation that outlines the logic of a solution to your problem. You may need to break your problem down into smaller sub-problems to achieve this, and should prepare problem statements for these sub-problems. This documentation must clearly identify the problem(s) you are attempting to solve, and include algorithms and UML models to represent the full functionality of the program(s) you intend to implement during the hackathon. Your documentation must be saved in .pdf format.

Completed design documentation must be uploaded to the two links provided in Moodle by noon Monday 3rd September 2018 to allow time for peer reviews to be completed.

Part 2: Hackathon Report

This part of the hackathon assignment requires you to discuss, analyse and reflect upon the problem solving techniques you use during the hackathon. This will occur through a work journal, to be documented in your ePortfolio. This task is to be completed individually.

You will update and maintain your work journal on a frequent basis throughout the hackathon, documenting:

• an overview of the work you have been attempting

• challenges or problems you encounter

• the output of your work.

Throughout these journal entries, you will make and analyse connections between the work you are performing and the course concepts reviewed throughout the semester. For example, if you attempt to solve a problem using a graphical model, your entry would identify the problem you were trying to solve, discuss the use of the graphical model and the reason for its use and analyse how effective the graphical model was in helping you resolve the problem.

You will also reflect on your learning throughout the hackathon. This learning can include both course concepts that you understand better due to applying them during the hackathon, and learning about yourself as a problem solver.

The work journal does not need to document every single aspect of the work you perform during the hackathon, and does not need to address all of the marking criteria in every entry. Rather, the journal entries as a whole need to provide insight into your experiences in the hackathon and it is these experiences as a whole that will be evaluated.

Part 3: Hackathon Presentation

At the conclusion of the hackathon, each person must provide a short individual presentation about their hackathon experiences in their scheduled laboratory.

This presentation will:

• introduce the main problem that the team attempted to solve for the hackathon.

• identify a personally-significant moment experienced during the hackathon and discuss what made this significant. A significant moment may include events that were challenging, particularly emotive (satisfying, frustrating, etc) or that had a large impact on the work performed during the hackathon.

• identify ONE problem personally encountered during the hackathon, and discuss the problem solving techniques or strategies used personally to address this problem and how (and why) these were used. Note: team members must not choose the same problem to discuss. You will need to coordinate with your team to ensure different problems are selected.

• reflect on personal learning and responses to challenges encountered during the hackathon, including understanding of course concepts, personal skills in problem solving and the role of mindset.

Each presentation should not exceed 5 minutes. Any presentation aids readily available to students may be used, but students are responsible for ensuring these will work in the labs and having a backup available in the event of an issue.

You are also required to complete a peer review of two presentations conducted by other students in your laboratory class. You will be allocated two student presentations to review at the start of the laboratory class. Peer review forms will be provided in the class.

Information related to above question is enclosed below:

Attachment:- ITECH1101.rar

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Computer Engineering: Identify a problem to solve as a team you can come up with
Reference No:- TGS02915310

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