Identify a probable career path

Assignment task:


I. Identify a probable career path.

II. Conduct research on the types of writing required in that career

III. Analyze your preparation for becoming a writer in that career:

  • Your Audience: students considering a similar career path
  • Purpose: to expand your knowledge of the expectations for writing and the skills required in your prospective profession
  • Write an Informative, analytic, research, narrative essay (1000 words)

Use these headings in your essay:

o Career Path (Describe the career and what preparation is required, e.g. education)

o Interview(s)

o Analysis of Documents (format, language, structure, tone, frequency, audience)

o Conclusion - what did you learn about the writing requirements and kinds of writing in your chosen profession?

IV. Review

We will peer review the papers in class.

V. Revision and Self-Review

After the Peer Reviews, you will complete a Revision of your paper based upon the feedback you received from your peer reviewers. Then you will complete a Self-Review before you turn in your Final Draft.

General Information about the Assignment:

  • Essays will be typed in 12 point Times New Roman or Cambria font with standard margins.
  • First draft - 2-3 pages of text
  • Final draft 3-4 pages of text
  • MLA format with Work Cited page. (Link to the Writing Center Template is in Resources folder in Blackboard under Course Content.)

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Other Subject: Identify a probable career path
Reference No:- TGS03439075

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