
Identify a potential nanda diagnosis that is appropriate


Patient presents to office for routine check-up. When asked about any concerns, his mother, Briann, states that she has concerns about his sleeping as he has been waking up about 20 minutes after going to bed screaming uncontrollably. She states that this has been happening for the past two weeks and isn't getting any better. She states that they recently moved into a new home and right after, these episodes began. When asked about his bedtime routine, she replied that at the old house they had a great routine with no issues but since the move, his bedtime routine has been disrupted due to their new schedules and getting home later. When asked to describe the episodes, she replied that he is sitting up in bed, eyes open and seems to be alert but is screaming and crying uncontrollably. She has tried waking him up by gently shaking him but that doesn't help. The screaming and crying last for a few minutes before she can calm him down and put him back to sleep. The provider was alerted to this for his visit with the family.

Use your critical thinking and nursing judgment to develop a concept map specifically for your patient using the following criteria:

A. Identify the medical sleep problem you think the patient is experiencing.

B. Identify a potential NANDA diagnosis that is appropriate for the patient

C. Identify at least 3 risk factors that contribute to the medical and nursing problems identified

D. Identify at least 3 signs/symptoms that are appropriate for the chosen medical and nursing problem.

E. Identify one outcome that is:

a. Patient-centered (makes sense for your patient)
b. Measurable (can be easily measured; no ambiguous terms like increase/decrease)
c. Time limited (has a reasonable time frame).

F. Identify at least 3 potential complications (i.e. what can the problem cause?)

G. Identify at least 3 nursing interventions that move the patient towards achievement of the outcome.

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Other Subject: Identify a potential nanda diagnosis that is appropriate
Reference No:- TGS03324494

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