Identify a mental health disorder

Description Problem: Consistent with the philosophy and organizing framework of the nursing program, this assignment is designed to promote written communication skills as well as self-reflection as it relates to caring for patients or family members with an identified mental health disorder. Using evidence-based nursing journal articles, students will write a formal paper describing a specific mental health disorder, their interaction with someone that has this disorder, and reflect on this interaction and how they communicated with the individual.

1. The student will write a paper referencing at least two (2) evidence-based and peer-reviewed nursing journal articles that are no more than five (5) years old. The paper will be written in American Psychological Association (APA) format (7th edition) and should use professional language. The paper should include the following:


Do not use "Introduction" as Level 1 header, use title of paper. Identify a mental health disorder from the list below:

  • Anorexia
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • PTSD
  • Bipolar 1
  • Schizophrenia
  • Bipolar 2
  • Substance abuse (emphasis on disorder, not withdrawal)

Describe the characteristics/manifestations of the selected disorder.

Identify specific risk factors that may lead to the selected disorder.

Cite Boyd & Luebbert within the introduction if information on manifestations and risk factors is quoted from that textbook.


Give an example of an individual (patient, family member, friend, peer) who has the mental health disorder identified in the introduction. Please do not name this individual or explain their relations to you; use an alias (ex. Mr. C.).

Describe your awareness of the mental health disorder and your initial thoughts/feelings when interacting with the individual.

Compare the two (2) manifestations this individual has that correspond with the manifestations noted in the introduction of this paper.

What are two (2) stressors/triggers that worsened the identified mental health disorder for this individual?

Discuss specific interventions were used in this individual's treatment plan?

Discuss two (2) additional interventions would you recommend for this individual's treatment plan?

Analysis section must include one (1) citation from a peer-reviewed nursing journal article related to the above analysis criteria.

Conclusion (35 points):

Describe the stigma (public, self, label avoidance - p. 4 of Boyd & Luebbert) that is associated with this mental health disorder and how others reacted to this individual's disorder (labeling).

Discuss at least two (2) verbal therapeutic communication techniques that were used when interacting with this individual. Must use techniques from the TTC Student Nurse Resource manual and provide an example of how this communication technique was demonstrated. DO NOT use the principles of communication listed in Boyd & Luebbert, Box 8.2, page 86.

Identify an adaptive and a maladaptive coping mechanism with d2l hierarchy resource.

Describe one (1) maladaptive defense mechanism (see p. 93 in Boyd and use Defense Mechanism Hierarchy found in d2L) and how it is used while in an acute exacerbation of the disorder.

Describe one (1) adaptive defense mechanism or coping style (see p. 93 in Boyd and use Defense Mechanism Hierarchy found in d2L) that this individual may use and how it is used while in an acute exacerbation of the disorder.

Conclusion must include one (1) citation from a peer-reviewed nursing journal article related to the above conclusion criteria.

Refer to the Formal Paper presentation PowerPoint in d2l for specifics

2. The paper will be three (3) pages maximum in length (not counting title or reference pages). Any additional pages will not be read, and the additional content will not be graded.

3. APA format is required for the paper including a title page, reference page, and in-text citations. The paper should be in narrative form. Do not include tables, tabulated lists or bullet points. Use complete sentences. Use only level 1 headers throughout paper. APA 7th edition is now required. There is an APA 7th edition checklist in d2l and more information is available in the Student Nurse Resources manual.

4. Refer to the Student Nurse Handbook regarding point deductions for late submissions. Point deductions will be implemented for all and any missing components.

5. Refer to the Student Nurse Handbook regarding the Policy for Writing Assignments. Note that any re-admitted students must submit a new writing assignment when the course is repeated. Duplication of content from previous assignments is self-plagiarism.

6. Papers and articles must be uploaded into the designated Formal Paper assignment area in the main d2L shell. Articles should be submitted as PDF (.pdf format) documents in the Article assignment area.

7. Papers must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document (.docx format) for instructors to be able to review them and make grading notations. Papers submitted as PDFs or other formats will result in point deductions.

8. Refer to Boyd: Essentials of psychiatric nursing, 3rd edition and the Student Nurse Resources manual for detailed information on defense mechanisms, therapeutic communication, and stigmas. Use this format for the mental health text:

Boyd, M. A. & Luebbert, R. (2023). Essentials of psychiatric nursing (3rd ed.). Wolters Kluwer.

9. All sources for citations/quotes in the paper must be on the reference page. All references must be cited in the paper. Once your paper is submitted into the Formal Paper assignment box, you will be able to see your Turn-It-In score next to your paper.

10. Separate articles must be cited for both the Analysis and Conclusion sections of the paper.

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