
Identify a major public relations crisis

Develop a 10- to 14-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation on public relations.

Apply the following approach in your presentation:

• Identify a major public relations crisis as though you were a public relations consultant working to help a client.

• Propose a crisis plan to the client to address the crisis.

• Suggest what sort of attitude the client should convey about the crisis to improve the public's perception of it.

You must Format yourpresentation consistent with APA guidelines.

Create apress release or news story of no more than 350 to 700 words on the client's behalf announcing the client's position on the public relations crisis discussed in your presentation. In addition to the press release, write a paragraph to answer the following questions:

• What media would you approach to communicate the message?

• What is the effect of ethics and social responsibility on public relations in this particular situation?

You must Cite at least two references.

You must Include the press release in your presentation.

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Other Subject: Identify a major public relations crisis
Reference No:- TGS01780236

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