Paper Type:
person centered of patient with learning disability and has other health issues.
No# of Pages:
12 pages (3,000 words)
Subject Area:
Paper Style:
No# of Sources Required:
English (U.K)
Guidelines for the person centred assignment:
• Identify a health issue that affects people with Learning Disabilities (this can be based on your experiences in practice, or just something you are interested in)
• Introduce assignment
• Give a clear definition of the health condition
• Describe basic symptoms and effects and general pathology of the condition
• Describe treatments and associated pharmacology
• Make link to LD (ie why more prevalent, what the problems of treating it are such as communication, understanding, consent etc)
• The role of the LD nurse in supporting person with LD and this condition and developing, implementing and evaluating a treatment/care plan
• Conclude your essay
• You can use appendices to support your assignment including photographs and diagrams
• Remember to check - spelling, grammar, punctuation, word count, format (details below), page numbers, student number, referencing, accuracy of the reference list
-please use autism and epilepsy as the two health issues.
-NB: please proper referencing in the essay.
• Please number each page, make sure all pages are presented in the correct order
• Use 1.5 or double line spacing
• Use font: Arial
• Use size font: 12
• Use black ink