
Identify a current state or national healthcare or nursing

Question: Part 1. EBP Research

Locate two research articles on the topic of your choice, but each article needs to use a different research method (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods). First, summarize both articles. Then answer the following questions...

Which type of research article did you find easier to understand? Explain

If you had to complete a research project which style would you choose and why?

This section should include 2 outside references and your book. This section should be at least 1000 words.

Part 2. Political Letter

Identify a current state or national healthcare or nursing issues that impact nurses or healthcare. Possible websites to locate an issue would be...

State Nursing Association

American Nursing Association

Specialized Professional Organizations

Once you have found your issue, write a letter to your governor, senator, or congress person. Your letter should be 500 words, in a block format and addresses should be included. Your first paragraph should state the issue. The second paragraph should state how the issue affects you personally as a nurse (avoid medical jargon). The third paragraph should state how the issue affects the community. Your fourth and final paragraph should restate the importance of the issue and thank the individual for their time and attention to the issue.

Your references for the letter should not be cited in your letter, but should be included on a separate reference page.

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Dissertation: Identify a current state or national healthcare or nursing
Reference No:- TGS02927761

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