
Identify a crime prevention activity


Crime in the City - Final Project

Assignment Overview

Our final project is due at the end of Week 9, and will be a cumulative piece that considers both the theoretical and applied content that we've covered in class to this point. While we continue to build upon our understanding of how Environmental Criminology is applied and understood in practice, you already have sufficient background and experience to begin the work on your final project. The paper requires that you interact with your own environmental surroundings, and as such, will require appropriate planning and timing, in consideration of your own schedules, work, family and travel commitments, and due dates in other courses. Recognizing that the end of term rush has begun, please take the time to check your schedules and calendars this week - Week 9 is a very busy week, so please plan accordingly.

Selecting a Case Study Site

This term paper will require that you identify one specific location from within your current awareness space which, in your opinion, has a crime/disorder/fear of crime concern.

Think back to some of our earlier class activities and discussion posts - we have spent a considerable amount of time this term considering our own movements within our awareness spaces - both as a class, and individually. You have recorded your stops for 2 weeks to familiarize yourself with the places that you visit and the spaces that you travel through. Think about the places that you frequently visit (your activity space) or the spaces beyond this (your awareness space) and identify a location that you consider to have a crime/disorder/fear of crime concern. This does not have to be backed up by empirical evidence -this project is based on your perceptions.

Here are a few ways to isolate a specific location:

• Is there a place that you immediately think of where you feel you are at higher risk of victimization?

• Are you uncomfortable when you walk through this area? Alternatively, do you take measures to ensure you, or your belongings are more secure?

• Do you act differently in this location in different times of the day, or avoid this location at specific times?

• Have you witnessed/heard of/been a victim of a crime in this area?

You do not have to share any more details than you are comfortable with, but you are asked to identify one location that comes to mind based on this criteria.

Theoretical Connections

One you've identified a location, you will be selecting TWO of the four environmental criminology theories that we've presented this term.

Using each of these theories, you will explore why your area is affected by crime and disorder, and how your theories help you to understand this. You will identify the physical features within the environment that contribute to this crime/disorder/fear. You will then identify a crime prevention activity or initiative that may be undertaken to reduce the impact ofcrime/disorder/fear within the area.

It is a good idea to be very specific with your location choice- select a single park (or even a location within a park), transit stop, intersection, building, landmark, parking lot, mall, or parking lot, rather than a broad neighborhood or a large area. This will allow you to really dive into the location itself, considering how our theories apply to this locale.

Paper Structure

This term paper should be structured to include the following sections:

• Introduction- one paragraph that catches the reader's attention and acts as a roadmap of the paper to follow.

• Theoretical Overview- one section that carefully reviews each of your chosen theories, one at a time. You may wish to incorporate sub-sections for each theory. Include details about what the basics of the theory emphasize. Incorporate your external peer-reviewed sources here, to describe how others have applied this theory to locations similar to your case study area.

• Case Study Overview- present your case study location clearly and carefully.

o Where is this location (you may be general, but should describe essential features of this location).

o Incorporate at least two images of your case study location. Images must be sized appropriately to be meaningful contributions to your paper. This may be a map, a photo, a sketch, or any combination of these elements.

o Why did you select this space? What is crime/disorder concerns are present? You do not need to describe any personal experiences that you do not wish to share.

o Be mindful of how you describe any people who use your locale, particularly marginalized populations. Consider using person-first language if your case study involves the use of such populations, being careful to avoid assumptions and generalizations about any group based on individual actions.

• Theoretical Connections- according to each selected environmental criminology theory (and guided by your recent literature selections), why are these concerns present and persistent?

oMake direct and clear links between the theories and your case study location

• Crime Prevention Approaches- According to the crime prevention theories and approaches that we discussed in class, what are your key recommendations? What should be done to address these concerns? Consider the limitations of these approaches as well.

• Conclusion- Don't forget to end your paper on a high note! Add a final paragraph that reiterates key findings and emphasizes the essential messages of your work.

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Business Law and Ethics: Identify a crime prevention activity
Reference No:- TGS03171413

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