
Identify a couple of the twenty-first century individuals


Please review the APA material in the Getting Started section if you need assistance. As a criminal justice professional, it is imperative that you learn the finer aspects of writing.

1. Review the "Love Canal" case study. Is enough done to stop environmental crime in America? Are the laws strict enough when it comes to accountability and punishment? Provide some examples and your thoughts on the topic.

2. Regarding the environment, should safety-measure violations come under the jurisdiction of the national government or state government under the United States Federalist system? Provide your argument and rationale for your decision by using examples as needed.

3. Identify a couple of the twenty-first century individuals and organizations that are most successful at the money and religion connection.

4. What are the similarities and differences between them? How are they different from those profiled in the text? Or, are they different?

5. What are hedge funds and how can unscrupulous businessmen use them to cheat the public?

6. Sherron Watkins worked for Enron and was the whistle blower who brought the unethical dealings out in the open. Did she get hurt as badly as other employees? If so, was she satisfied with Kenneth Lay's response? Why did she not go to the authorities or to the regulators of the Enron board? What are your thoughts on how those in upper management positions were able to dump their stock for money while others were losing everything in their 401s?

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Business Law and Ethics: Identify a couple of the twenty-first century individuals
Reference No:- TGS03180135

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