
Identify a country that is experiencing population decline

Assignment task: Use the Population Pyramid website to answer the following.

Q1. Identify a country that is experiencing fast population growth.

Q2. Identify a country that is experiencing population decline.

Q3. Identify a country that has a high age dependency ratio (a high number of dependents). This is the ratio of dependents to the working age population (it is calculated by taking the number of people younger than 15 and older than 64 and dividing by the number of people between ages 16-63). First, try by looking at the population pyramids, and then you can check your response using this list from the World Bank Data website.

Q4. Identify a country that has a sex ratio imbalance (more males than females, or more females than males for some age cohorts).

Q5. Can you find any sources that help to explain the sex ratio that you identified in question 4? Summarize the explanation and provide a link to the source.

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Other Subject: Identify a country that is experiencing population decline
Reference No:- TGS03291042

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