
Identify a construction fatality occurred in united states


According to available OSHA statistics, the four leading causes of death in the construction industry are electrical hazards, fall hazards, struck-by hazards, and caught in or between hazards. These hazards are referred to by OSHA as the "Focus Four' or the 'Fatal Four."

Review the following fact sheet, magazine article. and article/infographic:

• Click Safety: OSHA's Focus Four: Mitigating Job Site Hazards (PDF)

• ASSP: Leadersh Prevent' Incidents and Fatalities: Eight questions every leader should ask (PDF)

• EHS Today: Fatal Four: Safety in the Construction Industry [Infographic]

Your initial post to this discussion must address the following two parts:

Discussion Post: Part I

Use the OSHA website and/or other readily available news sources to identify a construction fatality that has occurred in the United States in the past calendar year due to one of the 'Focus Four" hazards. Post a summary for review and comment by your classmates regarding the circumstances surrounding the fatality that answers the following questions:

• When (date/time) and where (location) did the fatality occur?

• Which of the 'Focus Four° hazards resulted in the fatality?

• Briefly describe at least three (3) possible or actual events or actions that led to the fatality occurring.

• What programs, policies, training, or other actions should be taken to prevent a recurrence of this type of incident?

You may provide any other relevant details that you think will support a good overall summary of the incident for your classmates.

Discussion Post: Part II

Use the Internet to find a resource that you think would be helpful to provide to employees to illustrate the severity of the Focus Four hazard area that your incident summary reflects.

Be creative - you may NOT use the OSHA website.

Infographics. magazine articles. hazard photos. etc. are all examples of items that you might choose for this portion of your discussion post. Briefly summarize why you chose the resource you did and how you think it would be useful in training and education initiatives on the topic.

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Business Law and Ethics: Identify a construction fatality occurred in united states
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