
Identify a company or product that has had an ethical issue

Assignment task: Identify a company or product that has had an ethical issue(s) with any of the issues listed. Ethical Issue: An identifiable problem, situation, or opportunity requiring a choice among several actions that must be evaluated as right or wrong

1. What company or product and what is/are the issues?

2. What makes them ethical issues?

3. Does the end justify the means? (See the video and examples)

YouTube Video: Wall Street (4/5) Movie CLIP - Greed Is Good (1987) HD

4. What consumer "rights" have been violated?

5. Cite your sources using either MLA or APA in-text citation format at has had an ethical issue(s) with any of the issues listed.

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Other Management: Identify a company or product that has had an ethical issue
Reference No:- TGS03296997

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