Assignment: IT 20 Tour & Technology Report
(Font size 11, Times New Roman, 1.5 spaces, maximum two or three pages w/o cover page)
Chapter 6 addresses Technology, Energy and Environment. Power and energy technology are essential in the society. Without these technologies, we are back into the dark age. Therefore, a good understanding of the ‘infrastructure technology' is essential for modern life. Locally we have PG&E as the major power provider. Also, Grundfos Pump is a major employer of water & energy management. Please do the followings:
1. Visit PG&E website and identify a career choice you are interested. Are you qualified for this career? If yes, discuss your qualifications; if no, how would you prepare for such a career.
2. Visit Grundfos Pump website. Identify a career choice you are interested. Are you qualified for this career? If yes, discuss your qualifications; if no, how would you prepare for such a career.
I. F2F Section - Plant Tour Report
a. What lessons have you learned from this tour regarding the followings:
• Power and energy technology on FSU campus
• Data or statistics regarding energy consumption on FSU campus.
b. Discuss the challenges of power/energy technology management on campus. Assume you are the plant operation manager; how would you prepare yourself to meet these challenges? Please elaborate.
II. Online Section - Technology Exploration
a. Research You Tube videos of chiller/cooling tower technology and boiler technology.
b. Briefly explain the operation principles of these technologies. Discuss the importance of such infrastructure technologies in modern life. (Hint: use the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs as a frame of reference).