
Identify a blog you believe is credible and well developed

Marketing Strategies: Discussion

Topic 1 - Blogs

- Begin by researching "marketing" blogs. Here are a few places to begin - please do not limit your research to these sources. https://marketing-expert.blogspot.com/ or https://marketingjournal.blogspot.com/.

- Identify a blog you believe is credible and well developed - supporting your decision with facts. Share the URL and provide a brief overview of the blog contents and author.

- Identify how you think this blog and blogs in general are influencing marketing decisions made by consumers and companies. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this medium as information for the marketplace? How would you as a marketer use this information?

Two references are required beyond the text book. Be sure to cite and source in APA format. Minimum of 250 words (not counting the references).

Sample Response:

Heidi Cohen is a marketing blogger that focuses on providing an actionable marketing guide. The blog, which was #3 on the list of top 75 must-read online marketing blogs, can be found at https://heidicohen.com/. Her blogs draw from her vast experience in marketing by giving insight and guidance regarding how to use digital and social media to your advantage. Heidi's resume speaks to her credibility with an AB from the University of Chicago, MBA in Marketing from NYU's Stern Graduate School of Business, and job experience with Citibank, Bertelsmann and The Economist (Cohen, 2014). Beyond her credentials, the blog's content lends to the credibility. The content provides core concepts and new ways to utilize advancing technology to better market through actionable marketing. Essentially, actionable marketing looks to use common tools readily available to all users that will draw the most attention, consumer interest and largest variety. Heidi's blog is useful for small businesses with minimal capital all the way up to large corporations looking to reach every corner of the market.

Digital media is definitely one of the most influential sources of information in today's marketplace. Heidi's blog influences companies to make marketing decisions based around keeping up with technology and using social media to their advantage. She also influences consumers' marketing decisions by providing them a guideline of what to look for in marketing and what is likely information that could misguide their decisions. Blogs in general can be influential on companies and consumers for primarily the same reasons. Blogs can influence companies to market using certain outlets and target certain audiences, while influencing consumers to believe or disbelieve certain marketing techniques used by these same companies. This leads directly into some of the advantages and disadvantages of this medium as information for the marketplace. Obviously the low cost, wide reach and ability to update and primarily control the content regarding your business are the primary advantages of this medium (Beever, 2012). Yet, since blogs are so easily and readily available to anyone, it can be difficult to determine which ones are credible and legitimate. This can be a disadvantage for consumers and companies alike.

It is important to consider the pros and cons of any medium of information in the marketplace. One recent survey found consumers ranked blogs as the third most influential resource used in making a purchase (Garibian, 2013). As a marketer, I would use this medium with caution. Stick to the facts and reliable information that you can provide to your consumers. I often get so overwhelmed with advertising and ‘free' offers that I begin to ignore any information provided by those sites. Thus, I feel the substance provided by the medium is more important than the quantity. Use the medium to inform, educate and create interest among consumers. Avoid luring them in with smoke and fluff.


Beever, J. (2012, March 27). 12 benefits of blogging for B2B marketers. Retrieved fromhttps://www.newincite.com/blogging/12-benefits-of-blogging-for-b2b-marketers/

Cohen, H. (2014). Heidi Cohen: Actionable marketing guide. Retrieved fromhttps://heidicohen.com/

Garibian, L. (2013, March 18). Digital influence: Blogs beat social networks for driving purchases. Retrieved from https://www.marketingprofs.com/charts/2013/10336/digital-influence-blogs-beat-social-networks-for-driving-purchases

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