
Identify a biofuel source and discuss advantages of its use


Identify a biofuel source and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of its use. While you may choose the same biofuel as someone else, for full credit the content of your discussion post must be unique to your classmates.

Here are some quotes I've used for microbiology classes that may trigger an interesting conversation if you'd like to make it part of the discussion: "Unfortunately...fossil fuels are often heavily employed during the production and transportation of biofuels ("alternative fuels")."

Another quote: "The nitrogen fertilizer for biofuel crops is produced using natural gas."

Such nitrogen fertilizers have been cited by some textbooks already as being a primary cause of nitrogen-containing greenhouse gases...which are actually 300 times worse than CO2 in terms of heat-trapping capacity (!) Also, what textbooks don't yet say (or know about) is the harm to CO2-absorbing photosynthesis that associated chemicals such as certain herbicides can do. To see some of that research, try the paper housed in the "supplemental module" under all the others and use the ctrl-find function for "photosynthesis."

Hence, you can see that there are several interconnected, complex factors when it comes to balancing the many potential solutions to certain global problems. In my opinion, in order to find an efficient solution that is not counterproductive... all such variables should at least be examined.

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Biology: Identify a biofuel source and discuss advantages of its use
Reference No:- TGS03211778

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