
Identify 6 to 8 trends facing the industry within which

Identify 6 to 8 trends facing the industry within which your company operates.

Identify 4 to 6 uncertainties facing your company.

For each of these uncertainties, offer a measurement scale (high, low; hot cold; light heavy).

From these uncertainties, pick the two with the highest potential impact on your company. Please justify your choices.

From these two uncertainties create three scenarios of the future 24 months from now.

Scenarios should be labeled, best case, worst case and moderate case.

Please suggest which scenario is most likely and why.

In one half page, please summarize what you think is the connection between the key insights of the Shoemaker (1995) reading .

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Other Subject: Identify 6 to 8 trends facing the industry within which
Reference No:- TGS01060213

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