
Identify 3 key strategic issues facing the organisation

Assessment - Strategic Analysis Report

Instructions for assessment

The Strategic Report should strictly NOT exceed 3,000 words and demonstrate clear report style with relevant Harvard references. It is to be a unified whole that answers three questions (see below) focused on the selected organisation. Formative work in weekly seminars will guide students through analytical techniques and processes required to complete the task.

For the selected organisation, assume you are an outside consultancy reporting to the Chief Executive.

The Strategic Report should:-

1). Identify 3 key strategic issues facing the organisation with a clear explanation of why they are "strategic"

2). Analyse fully the resources and key capabilities of the organisation plus key factors that give the company its competitive advantage.

3). Assess the extent to which the organisation's competitive strategy addresses its strategic issues, and suggest improvements where they might be justified.

In this Strategic Report, high marks come from using strategic concepts and analysis from the module clearly applied to the organisation. Harvard referencing, a professional report style plus appropriate diagrams/tables are also required. Outline marking expectations are as follows:-

Q1: After a short introduction, we expect 3 key Strategic Issues with explanations and knowledge of why they are "strategic". The 3 environments (PESTLE, 5 Forces & internal) should be used as a guide.

Q2: We expect strong course knowledge, clear industry CSFs plus the organisation's resources & unique capabilities well analysed. Also how unique capabilities link to advantage & CSFs, and their Porter generic strategy.

Q3: We expect an evaluation of how their strategy addresses their issues using the three SAFe tests - plus how it might be improved. A short overall conclusion completes the report.

PRESENTATION: We expect a professional report with clear report style (not an essay) e.g. frontsheet, contents, clear sections, tables & diagrams and relevant Harvard referencing. The word count should not be exceeded by more than 10%.


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Operation Management: Identify 3 key strategic issues facing the organisation
Reference No:- TGS02819076

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