
Identifies potential rebuttals to argument and defends

Problem: Provide a short argumentative essay explaining the statement below to indicate where you would place yourself on that spectrum. Remember the criteria below and use empirical evidence to support your argument.

"The goal of correctional treatment should be: reduced reoffending risk versus improved offender wellbeing."

Addresses the topic

- Key words and topics are correctly defined/discussed

- Responds to the prompt in sufficient depth

- Absent of significant factual errors

- Addresses key points and issues that form the overarching debate


- Asserts a position and does not waver

- Stipulates the rationale for position

- Provides practical examples

- Draws on relevant research conclusions

Critical and creative thinking

- Identifies potential rebuttals to argument and defends against them

- Distinguishes between concepts in the ideal world versus how those concepts operate in the real world

- Sensitive to the practical issues associated with the topic


- Ideas are organized thematically

- Written in expository form

- Generally free from spelling and grammatical errors

- Appropriate sentence and paragraph structure

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Other Subject: Identifies potential rebuttals to argument and defends
Reference No:- TGS03373282

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