Instructions for discourse community paper.
Topic: Beginner Latin Dancing.
3-4 pages long (Please note: the final submission must be 4-5 pages long). It should be double-spaced, typed in Times New Roman font, with 12 point character size and one inch margins all the way around.
- Includes a snappy title that catches the reader's attention and indicates the topic and argument.
- Identifies a particular discourse community appropriate to the assignment.
- Explains how the essay contributes to the class conversation about rhetoric and discourse communities.
- Includes a contestable, specific, detailed claim that the author successfully joined the selected discourse community.
- Provides at least three well-developed reasons that the author mastered ethos, pathos, and logos appeals specific to the selected
- Answers the "so what" and "who cares" questions by explaining why the argument is significant and to whom.
- Supports reasons with carefully selected, well-developed examples and anecdotes from her/his experience.
- Anticipates counterarguments, considers them carefully, and responds to them fairly, conceding where others are right.
- Comes across as a credible writer, and appeals to the values and emotions of the audience.
- Develops a seamless, coherent, and well-organized argument.New Row10
- Sentences are lively, engaging, and relatively error free.
- Essay is 4 pages in MLA style (no Works Cited necessary) in 12pt. Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins.