
Identified motivational techniques

This is based on your private business that you ran for 10 years.

Stakeholder Motivational Techniques

Identify at least 5 motivational techniques that might be useful for gaining acceptance by all constituents in this organization.

Make a campaign to implement these identified motivational techniques.

Make a milestone plan for implementing your motivational campaign.

Communications Plan

Identify which types of communication (such as regularly scheduled meetings, shared media such as SharePoint, email, social media, hardcopy reports, etc.) you will use to communicate project status. Be specific on timeframes, the types of information that will be shared, and the level of detail that will be shared with these tools.

Next, discuss which stakeholder groups will receive the specific types of communication you have identified. This can be done via a matrix or table by listing stakeholders in the left column, the types of communications along the top, and an "x" in the cells where a specific stakeholder group should receive a particular type communication.

Layout an authorization plan and who will need to sign-off on specific communications or movement to the next phase in a project.

Include samples of some of the reports or canned communications that would be sent.

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Other Subject: Identified motivational techniques
Reference No:- TGS037098

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