
Identified and clearly stated the relevant issues

The word limit is 2400 words. If the assignment exceeds the word limit by 100 words or less, there will be no penalty. If the assignment exceeds the word limit by more than 100 words, there will be a penalty of half a mark deducted for each extra 50 words or part thereof. Footnotes will not comprise part of the word count nor will a bibliography. If the assignment word count is well below 2400 words.

The assignment may cover all unit objectives, though content will vary with the topic selected. In addition to matters developed in more detail below the marker will examine whether you have:

1. Identified and clearly stated the relevant issues;

2. applied relevant legal principles to the resolution of these issues;

3. critically analysed deficiencies in the law and recommended appropriate changes to the law;

4. integrated and evaluated relevant knowledge from both the material covered in this unit and your own independent research;

5. developed and sustained a concise and convincing legal argument through to a logical conclusion;

6. correctly referenced and acknowledged sources;

7. fluent, clear, concise writing, not containing poor expression, grammar or spelling; and

8. answered the specific question asked.

It is most important that your assignment address the issues raised in your chosen topic. Think about the topic and make sure you understand what the topic is about before you proceed. Marks cannot be awarded for irrelevant material, no matter how good that material is. The assignment should contain:

1. an introduction, clearly setting out the broad direction of the assignment, its objectives, any parameters of the assignment, and perhaps a summary of the arguments;

2. presentation of argument, review of literature and compilation of evidence relevant to the topic;

3. conclusion, clearly summarising the arguments or findings;

4. a reference list, setting out all the books, articles and other sources you have referred to in the course of writing the assignment. You need not have necessarily read each reference from start to finish, but you should have at least looked up each reference;

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Management Theories: Identified and clearly stated the relevant issues
Reference No:- TGS0537620

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