Identification of the professional accounting management

1. Capstone Project Report (60%)

The report should show the followings: Identification of the professional accounting, management and/or public relations issues in your workplace; How do you applied knowledge from this degree study in solving your workplace problems, including appropriate analysis and justification What strategies are addressed for the project, including consideration of knowledge in accounting, management, or public relations implications; and/or other organizational resource implications.

Note: Please submit your assignment to the correct semester. Otherwise, you will not get marks.

2. Capstone Project - Presentation (40%)

The presentation should address the challenges and solutions associated with completing this capstone project. Students are required to do a video presentation with PPT slides. The presentation should be at least 13-15 minutes. Please hand in the video and PPT to the college. (just need a report with PPT)

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Accounting Basics: Identification of the professional accounting management
Reference No:- TGS02317769

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