Identification of the ethical issues involved what was the

Choose one of the following companies (or any company that has been in the press) and write a 2-3 page, APA style critical analysis of the ethical issues involved in the case.

Legal Cases:



Global Crossing



NYSE and Richard Grasso

Merrill Lynch

Health South

Marsh and McLennan

Al Dunlap and Sunbeam

The analysis should include the following:

A short description of case

Identification of the ethical issues involved (what was the alleged ethical wrong done, and why is/was it wrong?)

A statement, in their own opinion, of whether it was wrong or not, and more importantly, why?

Thoughts on what could have been done to avoid the problem do we need more laws & government regulation? What internal controls might have prevented this situation?

Was the problem more a matter of individuals gone wrong, or was it more systemic and organizational?

Provide 3-5 APA style references both inline and at the end of the paper to support your analysis. Please write in 3rd person. Note: This is your opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the weeks theory linked to personal opinion and outside evidence.

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Operation Management: Identification of the ethical issues involved what was the
Reference No:- TGS01123638

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