
Identification of key hrm practices and comparison to best

The assignment will be in three parts:

1. You will need to get your HRM issue /organisation approved by your lecturer before you continue working on it.

Chosen company and the HRM issue.

2. Oral Presentation: The Oral presentations will be held in class and each pair will present their contribution to the group report in the form of a combined presentation, prepared by each person, in class.

Written Report Description:


1. You will identify a workplace/organisation to conduct the analysis. This could be your current (or a recent) place of employment. You may have worked at this organisation as either a casual or full time employee. You can also use an organisation that is well known to you but you have not necessarily worked there.

2. IT IS ESSENTIAL that this organisation have an internal HR Manager/Supervisor role and recruit, train and pay its staff.

3. You will need to provide a brief description of the context for this organisation including type of industry, number of employees, strategic direction.

4. Your lecturer will assist you to select three HRM functions from the list below, then discuss and analyse to what extent each function meets best practice standards at your organisation. To do this you will need to compare your organisations capability to theory and practice covered in the course.

a) HRM planning and strategy
b) Attracting, recruiting and selecting talent for your workplace.
c) Appraising performance and managing careers.
d) Training and developing employees
e) Reward Management
f) EEO and WHS

5. Using the above discussion, evaluate how strong your organisation's overall HRM function is, and explain what your recommendations for improvement would be - support this using course theory and content.

6. Conclusion - As a group what is your key learning from conducting this analysis.

Write a proper Report including:
1. Cover Page
2. Executive summary
3. Table of contents
4. Company Description
5. Identification of key HRM practices and comparison to best practice, support your arguments with relevant theories
6. Analysis of overall strength of YOUR organisations HRM function, support your arguments with relevant theories
7. Recommendations
8. Conclusion
9. List of References

You must:

- Include research using at least five academic journal articles
(Refer to ProQuest, EBSCOHOST/ebrary).
- Carefully select appropriate theories and concepts to relate to the issues and frameworks within the context of your workplace.
- Use evidence and examples to support your arguments.
- Write in a clear and logical manner.
- Cite all references using the Harvard referencing system both In-text and reference list.

You can score well if you provide the following:
- A proficient report which includes theoretical concepts linked with the analysis of the issues from your workplace issues relating to most of the relevant issues.
- A proper discussion, including aspects of human resource management principles and framework.
- Creativity and consistency - how well your arguments hold together as well as using consistent fonts and format throughout the report.
- The Proper format in terms of font size, sequence, and paragraphs used, as well as accurate spelling, grammar and referencing.

The Presentation should include:

Each student should prepare a PowerPoint presentation (five slides, so a total of 10 slides per group) of their part of the report. You need to focus on the key discussion points and outcome of your report. Treat the presentation as if you are reporting to the CEO the key findings of your analysis. DO NOT simply summarise your report, you need to decide the key facts that illustrate the reasons for your recommendations.

- Please up load your power point presentation for your group onto a USB and bring to class.
- this is worth five marks towards your total mark for this assignment.
- The lecturer will schedule the presentations
- You need to bring the ppt presentation to the class to show in class. Your analysis of HR issues within your workplace.
- Briefing of the processes within your organization.
- Any employment law, government acts and regulations which are relevant to your workplace.
- Recommendations to the issues identified using HRM principles.

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HR Management: Identification of key hrm practices and comparison to best
Reference No:- TGS02541342

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