Assignment task:
For the topic: Social Engineering
Methods of Searching
- Description of how sources can be accessed for a literature review.
- Identification of databases and search terms that can be used.
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework of the Study
- Description of the theoretical/conceptual orientation.
- References to support the conceptual framework provided.
- Summary of the proposed constructs for the research study.
Review of the Literature
- Description of the theories and constructs that have been created, espoused, and so forth in the chronological threads of the research relevant to Social Engineering.
- Logical organization to each major section of the literature review on theory, with:
- Seminal works.
- Chronological presentation of the development of each aspect of the literature and theory.
- M?ajor studies, with measurements if applicable.
- More recent studies focused on the dissertation topic area.
- Related studies (could also include clearly marked dissertations here, no more than 5).
Synthesis of Research Findings
- Discussion of the larger themes, inconsistencies, pending controversies, and relevant patterns based on the research studies evaluated.
- Strengths and weaknesses of the current study's theoretical orientation and its relationship with the previous research on the topic discussed, both in content (research findings) and methods (methodology).