
Identification and justification of a suitable topic issue

The relationship between product differentiation and customer loyakty- study of McCafe and Pacific Coffee - need 30 reference APA style (including 30 journals) - literature review need to find around 30 theory - introduction need to have outlines of section b - literature review needs to divide section into product differentiation (innovation or quality), customer loyalty -

Note: dont make it into a pure case study without linkage with academic theories

Section B - Literature Review

- Introduction (around 400 words)
- Reason for choice of topic
- Rationale for choosing the topic
- Academic objectives;
- Career Development objectives.
- Setting the Scene (around 400 words)
- Company information search and / or
- Industrial information search
- Literature Review (around 2700 words)
- Clear and logical presentation of the relevant research work done in the area of investigation
- Critical review of literature relating to academic objectives
- Application of Literature on Case Study (around 1100 words)
- Discuss the case study in accordance with the research work shown in literature review above.
- Summary and Conclusions (around 900 words)
- Conclusion showing the linkage between the body of knowledge and the research questions
- Recommendation
- Business Applications;
- Further Research.


Identification and Justification of a Suitable Topic/ Issue for Investigation. This Topic must be consistent with Degree Programme/ Career Intentions

Development of a Focused Research Question with Clear Research Boundaries (including an Abstract)

Identification of an Appropriate Literature Domain (Sources of Literature)

Coherence of Literature Review - Identification of Issues/ Definitions / Frameworks etc. (Theory Section)

Discussion of how Organisations have Addressed the Particular Management/ Business Issue (Practice Section)

Balancing of Competing Perspectives/ Theories/ Business & Management Practices

A Critical Synthesis of the Theoretical Literature against Current Management/ Business

The use of Academic Referencing Supports the Development of a Coherent and Well Argued Position and is Consistent with the APA Referencing Convention

The Literature Results in Conclusions which are Supported & Consistent with the Original Topic/ Issue under Investigation.

The Synthesis of Theoretical and Practical Perspectives Results in the Identification of "Best Practice" within the Scope of Original Topic/ Issue under Investigation.

The need for further research is recognised and stated

Did you identify and justify of your choice of topic?

Was the topic consistent with your degree programme

Did you address the academic objectives

Was your source of literature appropriate to your topic and focus?

Did you define, discuss and critical review of your academic part with comprehensive references?

Did you apply the academic part into the application part, your chosen company/brand?

Did you show a critical synthesis of the theoretical literature VS current business?

Was the literature consistent with the conclusion and topic?

Did you include the discussion of the need for further research?

Did you follow APA reference system? Did you check the format of both in-text and reference list?

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Marketing Management: Identification and justification of a suitable topic issue
Reference No:- TGS02239082

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