The written project must not exceed 2000 words, must contain a list of contents and a bibliography. The bibliography is essential and by definition a list of all the works used as sources for the project Research topics are listed below and further assigned reading can be found in a separate document on the VLE.
Assignment Topics:
1. Idenitify a trade political tool that has recently been introduced or altered by a country. Analyse the relevant results and welfare implications.
The assignment should follow the following structure:
• Introduction - the outline of the paper
• Discussion - the body of knowledge; the purpose & general procedures; the way study will be conducted; debate
• Conclusions/Policy Recommendations - results/outcomes & suggestion of future research
• Bibliography or list of references
What will be expected in the assignment in ascending order?
• Evidence of basic knowledge of the topic
• Clarity of expression
• Attempt to address the question in the light of the instructions
• Use of appropriate theoretical analysis and empirical evidence
• Evidence of wide reading
• A coherent well developed argument
• Some degree of originality of thought
How the assignment should be presented:
• Title page (student ID or name, title of paper, course code and title, word count)
• Pages should be numbered
• Section headings should be used
• Font size: 12, double spacing
• Harvard Referencing Style