

IDEAL Strategy

Metacognitive skills allow students to become aware of their own learning process and choose among various cognitive strategies that will allow them to be self-regulated learners. One such cognitive skill is modeling for students how to effectively problem solve. You will model this cognitive tool by using the IDEAL problem-solving strategy found in Chapter 6.7 of our textbook.

Bobby is a student in your fifth grade class with autism. Bobby is extremely bright and can fully engage in assignments with much independence, except activities that involve group work. In most instances, he has difficulty working with others and tends to get angry when students don't listen to him. Often times, you find him in the corner of the room pouting.

Using the IDEAL strategy, develop a possible solution to this problem. Describe your solution and how you employed the IDEAL strategy, clearly listing the five steps.

Reflecting on the IDEAL strategy, did you find the process helpful in solving a particular classroom dilemma? Why or why not?

Imagine that you have the perfect teaching job (you are teaching the grade level and content that you desire). Describe how you might teach the IDEAL strategy to your own students. Why would doing so be beneficial? What might reasonably go wrong?

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Science: Ideal
Reference No:- TGS0921978

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