
Id bands may harm penguins reported in bioed online in may

"ID Bands May Harm Penguins," reported in BioEd Online in May 2004, explains: "Many bird species are monitored using metal bands around their legs. Researchers use information on individuals to deduce the birds' breeding and migration patterns. But penguins' legs are the wrong shape for bands, so the devices have to be attached to their flippers instead. This is a significant hindrance to the birds, say Michel GauthierClerc of the Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat in Arles, France, and his colleagues. They suspect that aluminum or stainlesssteel bands may hinder the penguins as they glide through the water."19 Four students must decide what statistical test would be carried out to test the theory that banded penguins swim slower than unbanded penguins. Which student is correct? Adam: You compare two groups of penguins so it's two-sided. It was probably paired because that's usually a better design. Brittany: Comparing two groups makes it a two-sample design, not two-sided. But the alternative should be two-sided anyway, because that's more conservative. Carlos: Comparing two groups makes it a two-sample design, but they should test a one-sided alternative because they suspect that the banded penguins swim slower. Dominique: I think it's a paired test with a one-sided alternative.

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Basic Statistics: Id bands may harm penguins reported in bioed online in may
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