
Ictsas502nbspestablish and maintain client user liaison

Establish and maintain client user liaison


Unit Summary

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to establish and maintain client user liaison in an information communications technology (ICT) environment, post support implementation. This occurs after the business critical functions have been determined.

Assessment tool

Unit Details
Establish and maintain client user liaison
Unit Summary
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to establish and maintain client user liaison in an information communications technology (ICT) environment, post support implementation. This occurs after the business critical functions have been determined.
Assessment Methods
Assessment Two A Project assessment task
Assessment Three A Project assessment task

Well done! Now that you have completed your studies for this unit, you should be ready to attempt your assessment. In this assessment tool you will find:
? Two project assessment tasks
You will also find guidance on how to complete each assessment element.
About the assessment
Assessment is a process where the knowledge and skills that you have gained is collected and compared against Information and Communications Technology Training Package competencies. An assessment is then made as to whether or not you are ‘competent'. It is important that each person trained in information and communications technology is able to demonstrate competency and this tool will help you do so.
What does it mean to be competent?
Being competent means that you:
? Know how to perform your job in a way which is consistent with industry standards and expectations
? Are able to manage a range of different tasks at any one time
? Are able to apply problem solving skills
? Can source, understand and apply relevant legislation and organisational policy and procedures
? Can work effectively with others
? Can work safely.
In most cases your assessment will comprise more than one element of assessment in order to fully evaluate your competence. If you are unsure about the assessment process or would like more information about competence, please speak to your trainer or assessor.



Information and Communications Technology Training Package competencies
The Information and Communications Technology Training Package has been developed by educators in consultation with industry to ensure that graduates of nationally endorsed qualifications have the skill and knowledge that the ICT industry needs from its employees.
A training package is made up of a set of competency standards which set out the skills and knowledge that you need to demonstrate to be assessed as competent.
About this competency
ICTSAS502 Establish and maintain client user liaison describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to establish and maintain client user liaison in an information communications technology (ICT) environment, post support implementation. This occurs after the business critical functions have been determined.
Elements and performance criteria
Element Performance criteria
1. Determine support areas 1.1 Identify and record information communications technology used in the organisational unit
1.2 Identify stakeholders of the system
1.3 Identify organisational structure, culture and politics related to support requirements
1.4 Determine the level of support is required by each organisational unit
2. Develop support procedures 2.1 Contact organisational units as required to verify support needs
2.2 Establish procedures for providing required support, including method of contact, frequency of meetings and reporting
2.3 Document agreed procedures or service level agreement (SLA)
3. Assign support personnel 3.1 Identify ICT skills required to assist each organisational unit with support activities
3.2 Assign personnel according to human resource processes
3.3 Verify availability of selected personnel
3.4 Provide support using agreed procedures
3.5 Obtain feedback from appropriate persons on a regular basis


Completing the assessment tasks
You will find specific advice at the start of each assessment which will guide you in how to complete the tasks. Make sure that you take the time to read this advice and to clarify the requirements of the task with your trainer or assessor if you are unsure.
General tips
? Always make sure that you are clear about what is expected of you and talk to your trainer or assessor if you have questions.
? It is natural to be nervous when being assessed and, for many people, this is particularly true when being observed. Keep in mind that there is no need to be nervous, your assessor is there to help you demonstrate your skills and to guide you through the assessment process successfully.
? If you have special needs which you should be considered in the context of assessment, please speak to your trainer or assessor.
? In order to complete this assessment and many of the assessments throughout this course, you will need to work with a case study business.

ICTSAS502 Establish and maintain client user liaison
Assessment 2 - Project task
Read the instructions below and complete this part of the assessment. You need to submit your answer to your trainer for assessment via your student portal. Please allow 5 working days for the trainer/assessor to assess your answer. Return to your student portal to review the outcome of this assessment and possible feedback from your trainer/assessor. In case you are required to undertake a Practical task for this unit of competency, it might need to be completed in the classroom on a day allocated to you by your trainer. Please see the Practical Assessment sheet for more information and instructions. Your trainer/assessor will observe you during the practical assessment and inform you about the outcome upon completion of this task.



Student instructions
A project is designed to assess how well you can apply the skills and knowledge that you have acquired to a given case study scenario. Use the following tips to help you complete the project:
• Read through the whole project before getting started and make sure that you understand what it is that you are required to do. If you have any questions, discuss them with your trainer or assessor.
• All of your work must be original. Properly reference the sources of information that you gather. You can do this at the end of your report under the heading "References".
• All your documents must follow the AOI Documentation Standards policy available in your EZ-Learn resources (or ask your trainer for copy). For this assessment task you have been provided with a case study scenario of an organization for whom you are required to liaise and provide required IT support to the hardware and software in the organization. Meetings are arranged for you to gather information and resolve any queries with your client. Your trainer at times will act as your client to provide you with all the information you require from the client for the completion of the project.
• The meeting schedule will be provided to you with your assessments. Students are advised to attend all or at minimum one meeting in order to gather information you require from the client and stakeholders to understand the business requirements more clearly. Each session will last for at least 3 hours allowing you adequate time to communicate with other stakeholders and gain the information you will require to complete the assessment. You will be provided with at least three date/time choices to choose from and must be informed at least 2 weeks in advance about the dates/time choices. The meeting/information gathering sessions will be held in classrooms.
• You will be provided with templates of report and SLA [Service Level Agreement] at the end of the assessments tasks in this document that will assist you in providing the information required to demonstrate competence for this unit. You are able to adjust this template to fit in with your project requirements. Your templates has instructions written in italics outlining what is required in the subsections of the templates; remember to remove the instructions when submitting your report.
• Your report and SLA together must be at least 1000 words. It does not include your reference list. Your project report and SLA must be clear, written in plain English, use non-discriminatory language, avoid jargons, properly referenced where applicable, consider target audience and be your own work.
This assignment provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate that you are able to:
? Identify and record information communications technology used in the organisational unit
? Identify stakeholders of the system
? Determine the level of support is required by each organisational unit
? Contact organisational units as required to verify support needs
? Establish procedures for providing required support, including method of contact, frequency of meetings and reporting
Case study scenario:
Bay side Call Centre has been operating for 5 years and was established by the CEO. The business was originally set up to operate as an in-bound call centre that answers to customer queries on online purchases. The Bayside Call Centre is run by a Board of Directors that has four members including the CEO. The Board of Directors meet once a quarter for a meeting to discuss the operations and direction of the business. The CEO provides reports on the current business practices and financial figures. Meetings are held at Head Office.
When setting up the business the Board of Directors created Vision and Mission Statements:

The business commenced operations with 1 client and then gained 2 further within 2 years. The call centre was able to cater for the three clients with 5 staff answering the phones.
With the increase in use of on-line capabilities and increasing number of users, Bayside was unsuccessful in catering the needs of three clients and thereby lost two clients retaining only one of the client. The client retained was a search engine client
The CEO realised to keep the business operating there needed to be a change in the staff and technology to handle and process clients/ calls coming to the in-bound call centre. Currently the staffing structure has allocates specific staff to each team. The individual staff of each team is responsible for their client needs / requirements and there is currently no job sharing practices in place. The Board of Directors has spent the last 12 months re-structuring the staffing structure of the business to ensure the effective operation of the call centre and to provide a structure in which the business can grow.
As part of this process the CEO has employed appropriate managers to drive the business and share the responsibilities of the business operations. The current staffing structure includes the following:
? Call Centre Manager
? Human Resources Manager
? IT Manager (2 other staff to assist with all IT matters)
? Business Development Manager
? Finance Manager
? Call Centre Representatives (Donation and Search Engine Teams)
*See Organisational Chart [Appendix B] and Position Descriptions [Appendix C] for further details
The current premises of Bay side Call Centre are under a long term lease and there is ample space for all employees and the required equipment. The current equipment and technical capacity of the Bay side Call Centre is unable to manage the current workload and there are many issues that affect productivity.
The staff work stations are old and were originally acquired as 2nd hand work stations from a call centre closing down. Staffs are always complaining about the chairs and workstations saying that they are not ergonomic and the chairs are non-adjustable. The fact the chairs are stationary also contributes to the issues surrounding the work stations. The workstations run on a Windows XP operating system and use old VOIP software for calling purposes. Though it is originally an in-bound call centre, staff still are required to call back clients in order to obtain feedbacks and follow up on the services provided. It takes a long time for the staff to manually schedule the follow up call in one week time and manual dial in the number.
*See Computer Infrastructure [Appendix D] in Bay side for further details
In order to find solutions for the technological issues in the organization, you have been hired by Bayside call centre to provide them with support to improve their business quality. Your tasks are as follows:
You have been asked to review the support needs of given case study scenario and to establish a process to provide the support and maintain liaison with the client. To do this, complete the following tasks:
1. Prepare a brief summary of the purpose of the organization unit and the number of staff who work there in the given case study scenario. You can refer to policies, procedures and forms if required for more information about bay side call centre.
2. Prepare a tool to list and describe all of the technology within the unit that may need servicing/support. Use the tool that you have prepared to source and record the relevant details (including stakeholders and servicing/support needs). You can research for the new IT technology that you can put to use in the organization.
3. Set up a meeting with a representative from the organisational unit to verify the support requirement, establish a procedure for providing the required support and to agree on reporting and communication conventions (Your assessor will take the role of the representative from the organization. You will be provided with the meeting schedules where you can meet with your trainer and verify the required). Draft a minutes for the meeting.
Note: As a general rule all the meetings must be held in a professional, equitable, appropriate, effective, inclusive, non-discriminatory and consultative manner. Also the meetings must employ effective questioning techniques and effective listening techniques in order to achieve the outcomes of the task.
4. Use all of the information that you have gathered to draft an SLA and submit it to your client contact for feedback. You can email your draft SLA to your assessor on the email: [email protected]
5. Prepare a summary of the feedback received and report on how you have incorporated it into your document.
Submit to your assessor
On completion of this practical assessment task, submit the following to your assessor:
• Report summarizing tasks 1 to 3.
• Draft SLA
• Feedback summary and report
• Final SLA

Meeting Schedule:
Meeting Day/Date Meeting Time
To be filled by the trainer 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
To be filled by the trainer 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
To be filled by the trainer 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
To be filled by the trainer 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm








Report Template
Provide a brief introduction of the case study scenario provided to you. In your introduction include key points about the organization details of the organization, what they do, how many staff work there, details of the staff etc. Write your introduction for about 100 - 150 words.
Technology requiring service or support:
Complete the following table with help of the Appendix C and Appendix D
Computers Number
55 Brand
Dell Device used by
STAFF Service needs/Upgrades
Latest windows

Minutes of the meeting:
Write a minutes for the meeting you had with your trainer summarizing what was the proposal given by you for providing support, what was the feedback gained from your trainer, what modifications were made based on the feedback. You can write your minutes of the meeting for about 300 words.

SLA Template
Fill in the following details using the case study scenario provided to you. You will be provided with a soft copy of this template in your Ez-learn Page 1.
Customer Detail:
Business Name: Call center

Address: You can come up with any address. It does not have to be a real or true address.

Contact details: You can come up with any telephone or mobile number. It does not have to be a real or true number.

Business contact: 0405045806

? Overview of Support requirements:
? Upgrade computers
? Email server, Auto play
? Work station / chairs


Duration of the contract: 6 month

Areas of support:
? Email
? Pc's
? Hours of support
? Upgrade to new software

Methods and levels of support:
? New contract with Telstra as a provider of services
? Update spam control
? Window Xp to new Window 8

Hours of Support:

The process of upgrading is 5 business days

Definition of Priority Levels

? Priority levels of support for custmor :
? High priority -They are affect business to run
? Low priority -need to fixed

Response times according to priority:
? Priority levels of support for custmor :
? Medium priority .does not affect



Communication Methods:
? Mail : [email protected]
? 0405045806
? Skype : Malik_hamza6
Upgrade computers from windows xp to new window 8
? Budged what we used per station is 200,00 per unit
? Overall cost 10999.45 $ for all of them



Warrantees and Exclusions:
? Warranty : 6 mounts
? Including just devices mention Including just devices mentioned in Sla SERVICES Description

Customer Responsibilities
? Including just devices mentioned in Sla SERVICES Description
? Should not disclose there account login
? Should not turn on the anti virus

Method for Service Level Monitoring (including a schedule of review meeting dates for the SLA)

Process for handling complaints or concerns :

General maintenance for equipment which was mentioned in section b
? Book a appointment
? Fix the problem
? Process for changing
? Process for handling complains


Process for changing the contents of SLA :

If the changes are going to be made in SLA
? Arrange meeting with client and services provider
? Discuss all issues
? Make a change in SLA
? Get approval from both sides

Sign Off

Business Representative (Print Name, Sign & Date)
? Hamza_AWAN
? Malik
? 17-08-2016
Provider Representative (Print Name, Sign & Date)

? Stark Jack
? 17-08-2016

Assessing Criteria:
Your trainer will assess your ability to establish and maintain client liaison in an IT environment and establish procedures for providing required support

• Your project will be marked with a" Satisfactory" outcome if you have:
? Answered the tasks 1 to 3 appropriate to the given case study scenario.
? Made a draft and final SLA appropriate to the given case study scenario.
• Your project will be marked with a " Unsatisfactory" outcome if you have:
? Not Answered the tasks 1 to 3 appropriate to the given case study scenario.
? Not Made a draft and final SLA appropriate to the given case study scenario.

Your trainer will use the following checklist to assess your practical for "Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory" outcome
Project assessment Checklist: To be completed by the assessor
Task Satisfactory Outcome Comments
Did the student identify the organisational unit and prepare a description of the unit ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student identify the organisational unit and prepare a summary of the unit's purpose ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student identify the organisational and prepare a summary of the people who work in unit ? ? Yes
? No
? Did the student prepare an information gathering tool which is suitable for the purpose of gathering information about the technology within the business unit including:
? ? Type
? ? Brand
? ? Serial numbers
? ? Age
? ? Date of purchase
? ? supplier
? ? Servicing/support needs
? ? Warranty details
? ? Servicing history
? Stakeholders ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student hold a meeting with a representative from the business unit to verify the support requirements ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student hold a meeting with a representative from the business unit to establish a procedure for providing report ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student hold a meeting with a representative from the business unit to agree on reporting and communications requirements? ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student conduct the meeting in a way which was professional ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student conduct the meeting in a way which was equitable ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student conduct the meeting in a way which was appropriate ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student conduct the meeting in a way which was effective ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student conduct the meeting in a way which was inclusive ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student conduct the meeting in a way which was non-discriminatory ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student conduct the meeting in a way which was consultative ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student conduct the meeting in a way which used effective questioning techniques ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student conduct the meeting in a way which used effective listening techniques ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student conduct the meeting in a way which achieved the required outcomes of the task? ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student develop an SLA which was clear ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student develop an SLA which was accurate ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student develop an SLA which was written in plain language ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student develop an SLA which avoided the use of jargon ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student develop an SLA which avoided the use of jargon ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student develop an SLA which set down the process for service/support ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student develop an SLA which described timelines for service/support ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student develop an SLA which defined priorities for service/support ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student document and incorporate feedback in a way which was accurate ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student document and incorporate feedback in a way which reflected the requirements of the client ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student document and incorporate feedback in a way which reflected the requirements of other stakeholders? ? ? Yes
? No
Was all submitted documentation written in a way which was clear and unambiguous ? ? Yes
? No
Was all submitted documentation written in a way which avoided the use of jargon ? ? Yes
? No
Was all submitted documentation written in a way which met the needs of the target audience? ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student submit report addressing Task 1 to 3 ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student submit draft SLA ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student submit feedback summary and report ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student submit final SLA? ? ? Yes
? No

ICTSAS502 Establish and maintain client user liaison
Assessment 3 - Project task
Read the instructions below and complete this part of the assessment. You need to submit your answer to your trainer for assessment via your student portal. Please allow 5 working days for the trainer/assessor to assess your answer. Return to your student portal to review the outcome of this assessment and possible feedback from your trainer/assessor. In case you are required to undertake a Practical task for this unit of competency, it might need to be completed in the classroom on a day allocated to you by your trainer. Please see the Practical Assessment sheet for more information and instructions. Your trainer/assessor will observe you during the practical assessment and inform you about the outcome upon completion of this task.


Student instructions
A project is designed to assess how well you can apply the skills and knowledge that you have acquired to a given case study scenario. Use the following tips to help you complete the project:
• Read through the whole project before getting started and make sure that you understand what it is that you are required to do. If you have any questions, discuss them with your trainer or assessor.
• All of your work must be original. Properly reference the sources of information that you gather. You can do this at the end of your report under the heading "References".
• Present your report in the "Times New Roman" font of 12px size.
• For this assessment task you have been provided with a case study scenario of an organization for whom you are required to identify the IT personnel and skills, Identify the appropriate HR processes and implement the relevant HR process to select team members. Your trainer at times will act as your client to provide you with all the information you require from the client for the completion of the project.
• You will be provided with template of IT support personnel report and resume at the end of the assessments tasks in this document that will assist you in providing the information required to demonstrate competence for this unit. You are able to adjust this template to fit in with your project requirements. Your template has instructions written in italics outlining what is required in the subsections of the templates; remember to remove the instructions when submitting your report.
• Your IT support personnel report must be at least 500 words. It does not include your reference list. Your support personnel report must be clear, written in plain English, use non-discriminatory language, avoid jargons, properly referenced where applicable, consider target audience and be your own work.

This assignment provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate that you are able to:
? Identify ICT skills required to assist each organisational unit with support activities
? Assign personnel according to human resource processes and verify availability of selected personnel
? Provide support using agreed procedures and obtain feedback from appropriate persons on a regular basis

In this activity you are asked to assign support personnel to the organisational unit that you worked on in Assessment 2. To do this, complete the following tasks:
1. Identify the ICT personnel skills required to support the organisational unit as defined in the SLA that you prepared in Assessment 2. Prepare job descriptions [One for hardware support and One for Software support] for the position to help in support procedures.
2. Identify the appropriate HR processes to recruit the team that you need and report on how you would apply those processes.
3. Prepare your resume using the resume template to distribute to your classmates.
4. Implement the relevant HR process as identified in Task 2 to select two team members [One for hardware support and One for software support] from amongst your classmates who have the skill set and availability required. Prepare a report summarising the rationale for your selections. You will be provided with the resumes of your classmates by your trainer.
Submit to your assessor
On completion of this project assessment task, submit the following to your assessor:
? Your IT support Personnel report.
? Your resume.
IT Support personnel Report
Skills required:
Write down the skills both technical and soft skills required by the support personnel in order to fulfil the service level agreement (SLA) drafted in Assessment 2. You can write about the skills in about 150 to 200 words.
HR process:
Write down about the HR process you would use or apply in order to recruit your team members for providing services to the case study organization. You have to choose two team members one for providing hardware support and the other for software support. You can write about your HR process for 150 - 200 words.
Team formation:
Implementing the about mentioned HR process, choose any two team members from your classmates. You will be provided with the resumes of your classmates by your trainer. Choose the best suited team member and explain your rationale behind your choice. You can write about your choice of team member and rationale behind the choice for about 100 - 150 words.


Resume Template
Address: ____________________________________________
Telephone/mobile no: __________________________________
Email address: ________________________________________
Previous Experience in similar position if any: __________________________________________________ Write about the position you worked, where you worked, what were your duties and how long you have worked there.
Education qualifications: ___________________________________________ Write what education qualification you have, where you gained it from and which year was it gained.
Skills: ___________________________________________ Write about the technical and soft skills you possess.
Availability: _________________________________ Write about your availability, if

Assessing Criteria:
Your trainer will assess your ability to identify IT skill requirements and assign appropriate support personnel and show personal responsibility and autonomy in performing complex technical operations or organising others.
• Your project will be marked with a" Satisfactory" outcome if you have:
? Answered the tasks 1 to 3 appropriate to the given case study scenario.
? Prepared resume to meet the requirements.
• Your project will be marked with a " Unsatisfactory" outcome if you have:
? Not Answered the tasks 1 to 3 appropriate to the given case study scenario.
? Not Prepared resume to meet the requirements.
Your trainer will use the following checklist to assess your practical for "Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory" outcome.
Project assessment Checklist: To be completed by the assessor
Task Satisfactory Outcome Comments
Did the student accurately identify the IT personnel required to service the support needs of the organisational unit ? ? Yes
? No
? Did the student identify HR processes appropriate to the selection of the required team? For example:
? ?Checking job and person specifications
? ?Observing work activities
? ?Professional recommendations or referrals
? ?Reviewing performance reports
? ?Motivational fit
? ?Skills analysis
? ?Results from formal and informal training
? ?Identification through mentoring/coaching programs
?Formal recruitment processes ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student report on the application of HR processes in a way which was clearly expressed ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student report on the application of HR processes in a way which avoided the use of jargon ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student report on the application of HR processes in a way which met the needs of the target audience ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student report on the application of HR processes in a way which used inclusive language ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student report on the application of HR processes in a way which was not discriminatory? ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student recruit team members in a way which matched each person's skills with the requirements expressed in the SLA ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student recruit team members in a way which was equitable ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student recruit team members in a way which was appropriate ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student recruit team members in a way which was professional ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student recruit team members in a way which developed an effective team? ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student submit personnel and skills statement ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student submit HR processes report ? ? Yes
? No
Did the student submit team selection rationale report ? ? Yes
? No

After completing all parts of the assessment for this unit of competency, make sure you upload all your answers via your student portal to your trainer/assessor for evaluation. Please allow 5 working days for the trainer/assessor to assess all your answers. Check your student portal in regards to the final outcome of your assessment and possible feedback from your trainer/assessor.

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