
Ictnwk404 - install operate and troubleshoot a small

Install Operate and troubleshoot a small enterprise Branch Network

Learning Outcome

1. Implement an IP addressing scheme and IP services to meet network requirements
1.1 Specify the need and role of addressing in a network
1.2 Create and apply an addressing scheme to a network
1.3 Assign and verify valid IP addresses to hosts, servers and networking devices in a local area network (LAN) environment
1.4 Specify the operational requirements of private and public IP addressing
1.5 Implement static and dynamic addressing services for hosts in a LAN environment
1.6 Enable the network address translation (NAT) for a small network, with a single internet service provider (ISP) and connection, and verify the operation
1.7 Configure the dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) on a router

2. Implement a small routed network
2.1 Select the appropriate media, cables, ports, and connectors to connect routers to other network devices and hosts
2.2 Research and select a basic router
2.3 Perform, save and verify basic router configuration tasks
2.4 Configure and verify, a classless routing protocol
2.5 Verify the device configuration and network connectivity, using basic utilities
2.6 Implement the password, and physical security

3. Implement and verify WAN links
3.1 Research different methods for connecting to a WAN
3.2 Configure and verify, the basic WAN serial connection

4. Troubleshoot a small enterprise branch network
4.1 Identify and resolve, common switched network issues
4.2 Identify and correct, IP addressing issues
4.3 Troubleshoot DHCP and NAT on a router
4.4 Identify and resolve, common routing problems
4.5 Troubleshoot basic WAN connection problems

Seven Star Car Rental Scenario

With your helpSeven Star Car Rental has finished setting up its HQ in Perth and 2 Branch offices in Esperance and Fremantle.

Seven Start management is impressed with your skills and wishes to extend the contract for another job. You've been engaged in a Seven Star networking project to implement advanced network configurations like NAT, DHCP and advanced routing.

Contract name: Install, operate and troubleshoot a small enterprise branch network.

Continue with the network topology created in Practical Task 2 (AT2 Packet Tracer file) using Packet Tracer. Here's what will be added to the current design.

- The HQ router will connect to the Internet through an on premise GATEWAY router.
- GATEWAY router will be connected to an ISP router.
- GATEWAY router will be configured to use NAT.
- Additionally, HQ router will work as a DHCP server for all devices on the network.

Note: Your trainer will be able to give you a working topology if you don't have the previous saved file from assessment task 1.

Tasks to be completed

1. Research different methods for connecting to a wide area network.
2. Configure the dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) on a GATEWAY router, add scopes for each BRANCH and HQ subnet range, and test.
3. Configure IP helper addresses as the DHCP server address on the Seven Star routers.
4. Enable the network address translation (NAT) on GATEWAY router towards internet service provider (ISP).
5. Troubleshoot DHCP and NAT on a router.


Task 1: Research

Q1.List anddescribe methods that are used to connect to the Internet.

Task 2: Modify the Existing Seven Star Network Topology

Step 1: Add the following devices(see document) to your network layout.

Step 2: Make the following connections using the correct cables:

1. Serial connection: HQ router -> Gateway router
2. Serial connection: Gateway router -> ISP
3. Ethernet connection ISP ->Web Server

Note: Routers may require additional serial interfaces.

Q1. How many additional subnets are needed to connect the new links?

Q2. What is the maximum number of IP addresses that are needed for a HQ ->GATEWAY subnet?

Q3. How many usable IP addresses are needed between GATEWAY-> ISP?

Q4. What is the total number of usable IP addresses that are needed to make the new connections?

Task 3: Design an IP Addressing Schemefor WAN links

Step 1: Design the New Subnets

Q1. What is the recommended subnet mask between WAN links?

Q2.Which subnetmask would you use between HQ ->GATEWAY and GATEWAY -> ISP?

Q3.Based on the previous answer how many usable host IP addresses are there per single subnet?

Q4.Fill in the following chart with the subnet information. IP addressing scheme must include 1 private range and 2 public IP ranges.

Step 2: Configurethe New Subnets on the Network Devices

When assigning the subnets to router interfaces, keep in mind that routing will need to occur between all endpoints to allow information to be sentthroughout the network. Therefore correct interfaces must be used.

Note: For Seven Star, GATEWAY router is the exit device to the Internet. Everything past GATEWAY is considered untrusted public network.

Q1. Assign private subnet to the HQrouter connected to the Gateway router.What is the interface IP address on GATEWAY router?

Q2. Assign first public subnet to Gateway router connected to the ISP router.What is the interface IP address on GATEWAY router?

Q3. Assign secondpublic subnet to ISP router connected to the Fa0 interface onthe Web Server. What is the interface IP address on the ISP router?

Task 4: Document Configured IP Addresses

Steps on the previous page asked you to assign appropriate addresses to the device interfaces (routers, server). Document the addresses used in theAddressing Table. Documenting your actions will also help to verify if everything is configured correctly.

Step 1: Populate the Addressing Table

Note: router interfaces may not match 100%. As long as the configuration works that's ok but it won't hurt to match the interface with the IP for troubleshooting purposes.

Task 5: Connect and Test the Network Design

1. Verify that the devices are using appropriate Cables, with correct Network Addresses& Hosts clearly labelled.
2. Check to see that all devices on directly connected networks can pingeach other.

Capture the Screenshot of the Configured Network Topology

Task 6: Configure the Routers

Step 1: Configure devicehostnames for the 2routers as GATEWAY and ISP respectively.
Note: HQ router hostname has been configured previously.
What is the command to configure the hostnames?

Task7: Configure Routingon HQ, BRANCH,GATEWAY and ISP Routers

Q1. In your own words describe what a default route is.

Configure the following routing using these statements/steps:

Step 1:Create a default route towards GATEWAY router on HQ router. Copy and paste the command used.

Step 2:Create a default route towards ISP router on GATEWAY router.Copy and paste the command used.

Step 3:Create a default route towards GATEWAY router on ISP router. Copy and paste the command used.

Step 4:Configure RIPpassive-interface on GATEWAY router interface towards ISP.Copy and paste the command used.

Step 5:On both BRANCH (1 and 2)routers set "Gateway of last resort" (default route) to GATEWAY router's inside IP. Copy and paste the command used.

Note:Routing tables on all Seven Star routers should have GATEWAY router's subnetrouting entry.

Step 6: Copy and paste the routingconfiguration on HQ Router

Note: (copy/paste only relevant output from show ip route)

Step 7: Copy and paste the routing configuration on GATEWAY Router

Note: (copy/paste only relevant output from show ip route)

Step 8: Copy and paste the routing configuration on ISP Router

Note: (copy/paste only relevant output from show ip route)

Step 9: Copy and paste the routing configuration on one of the BRANCH routers

Note: (copy/paste only relevant output from show ip route)

Task 8: Implement DHCP on HQ Router for all Seven Star internal subnets and verify the Hosts

Step 1: Add/connect a new PC to Branch 2, LAN 2 and name it NEW PC

Step 2: Run ipconfig on NEW PC and capture the output.

Step 3:Create DHCPExcluded Address Range for each subnet (the last3 addresses from the relevant subnet will do). Use the networks you already created in Assessment Task 1 and exclude 3 addresses from there.

Step 4: Configure DHCPExcluded Address Range for each subnet in HQ router using ipdhcp excluded-address command.

Step 5: Continue configuring DHCP on HQ Router

1. Add a DHCP Pool for each Subnet (B1L1, B1L2, B2L1, B2L2, HQLAN)
2. Add a Network ID and Subnet Mask for each DHCP Pool
3. Add a Default Gateway Address for each DHCP Pool (using the default-router command)

Step 6: Verify DHCP operation on NEW PC

Click NEW PC, select the Desktop tab - then click the Command Prompt icon and check the current IP address with the ipconfig command

Q1.Does it have an IP Address yet?(Choose one)YES / NO

Q2.What is the purpose of ip helper-addresscommand in Cisco devices?

Step 7: Implement ip helper-address on Branch routers (Branch 1 and Branch 2). Copy and paste the full command to execute onboth routers.

Note: (ip helper-address must be configured on the Branch router's FastEthernet interface and forward the packets to HQ router's incoming interface).

Step 8: Click NEW PC, select the Desktop tab - then click the Command Prompt icon and check the current IP Address with the ipconfig /renewcommand.

Q1.Does NEW PC have an IP Address yet? YES / NO

Q2.What is it?

Step 9: Check what IP addresses have been handed out by DHCP on HQ router by using the show ipdhcp binding command and take a screenshot.

Task 9: Configuring Port Address Translation (PAT) on GATEWAY Router

You will configure NAT on Gateway router to translate the private IP address of your 192.168.9.x LANS to the public address of the Gateway router interface so that the inside network can communicate to the Internet (Web Server).

Port Address Translation (PAT), also called NAT Overload, uses TCP and UDP port numbers to uniquely identify hosts on the inside network so that everyone on the inside network can use only one real IP address to send packets to the Internet.

Step 1: On GATEWAY router, configure the ISP facing interface as an OUTSIDE Interface for NAT purposes using ipnat outside command.

Step 2: On GATEWAY router, configure the HQ facing interface as an INSIDE Interface for NAT purposes using ipnatinside command.

Step 3:Create a NAT pool with one address called __POOL (for example: JohnSmith_Pool). The pool should contain a single address of the GATEWAY router's outgoing interface to ISP using ipnat poolcommand. Enter the used command below:

Step 4: Create access-list 2. It should permit networks,,, and be translated. Enter the sequence of commands used to achieve that.

Note: You will find the correct networks from Assessment Task 1 address table. Don't forget to use Wildcard Mask (subnet mask will not work here).

Step 5: Map the access-list 2 to the new pool, allowing NAT to occur by using the overload command.

Step 6: Check PAT configuration by typing show run.

Note: (copy/paste or take a screenshot only relevant output from running-config)

Step 7: Turn on the debug ipnat command on GATEWAY router.

Step 8: Ping the Web ServerIP from one of the PC's in Branch LAN. Capture the NAT output on the GATEWAY router's console to verify NAT usage.

Step 9:Type un all to turn off debugging, then on GATEWAY router, use the show ipnat stat command to see a summary of your NAT configuration. Copy and paste it here.

Task 10: Final Screenshot and Sign Off

1. Save the Lab with ICTNWK404-AT3-YourFullName-Date.
2. Take a Screenshot of the Completed Lab File and show to the instructor for final Sign off.

Build a small wireless local area network

1. Confirm client and equipment requirements
1.1 Identify, clarify and organise client requirements according to network needs and organisational requirements
1.2 Ensure an appropriate person has given the authority for wireless network access
1.3 Evaluate requirements along with business needs, and translate into technical requirements
1.4 Identify components to be installed in order to meet the technical requirements
1.5 Select position for access point, based on user requirements and environmental conditions
1.6 Arrange for preliminary work to be carried out to meet cabling and power requirements

2. Select, install and configure wireless access point
2.1 Select access point device based on current and future client needs
2.2 Install and configure access point to provide wireless access to network
2.3 Configure services
2.4 Test access point and verify wireless connection and security arrangements
2.5 Select, install and configure appropriate wireless card where necessary for legacy equipment

3. Configure network
3.1 Configure security and other key parameters consistent with commercial and business requirements
3.2 Test security and firewall arrangements with appropriate test equipment
3.3 Test the network with user equipment for general compatibility and access

4. Train users
4.1 Determine devices to be connected to the network
4.2 Demonstrate how pairing and log-on arrangements are established to user
4.3 Inform users of wireless network etiquette and traffic capacity issues
4.4 Develop user documentation

5. Monitor and administer wireless network
5.1 Monitor wireless network performance using diagnostic tools
5.2 Debug networking issues to maintain trouble-free wireless connection
5.3 Document current settings and store securely

PART A: Research Wireless Technologies

Task 1: ResearchSmall Office/Home Office (SOHO) networks

Q1.Describe features of a small office or home office (SOHO) network?

Q2. Outline the common wireless network protocols and topologies including their application in wireless networks. Consider wireless security protocols as well. (Name at least 4.)

Q3. Describe the possible factors affecting the wireless signal quality including bandwidth and quality of service.

Q4. What are the types of security threats in wireless networks?

Q5. To fight/protect against security threats in wireless networks summarise the following:

• audit and intrusion detection systems
• auditing and penetration testing techniques
• authentication methods
• network protocols and operating systems
• security protocols, standards and data encryption

Q6.List and briefly describe a few wireless network solutions.

Task 2: Select position for access point, based on user requirements and environmental conditions.

In this task, use the below floor plan and indicatewhere would you place two Linksys WRT300N wireless access points by moving the images on the right (AP1, AP2) to the proposed location. Consider signal quality, interference, accessibility, security.

PART B: Configure and Document Wireless Network

In Part B of this assessment your assessor will hand out a Packet Tracer Activity which you are required to complete 100% to pass.

Task 1: Configure Small Wireless Network Access

In this activity, you will configure a Linksys wireless router, allowing for remote access from PCs as well as wireless connectivity with WEP security.Step-by-step instructions are incorporated into the activity. Complete the steps and submit your file to the trainer.

Task 2: Develop wireless network documentation for Seven Star users

Determine devices to be connected to the network and inform users of wireless network etiquette and traffic capacity issues which may arise.

Q1. What are the common devices usually connected to the wireless network? Create a list.

Step 1: Create general guidelines for connecting Windows 10 laptop to wireless network for Seven Star users. Use pictures, descriptions, step-by-step instructions. Demonstrate Access Point pairing and log-on.

Step 2: Prepare a Seven Star wireless network etiquette. You can use internet resources to get started. Use the below template as a reference.

Attachment:- Networking Assessment.rar

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Basic Computer Science: Ictnwk404 - install operate and troubleshoot a small
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