
Ict709 ict industry project - development of wk ashman

Assessment Task: Project report

Goal: In this task you will complete a report of professional standard on the actual project experience with discussion of outcomes and differences between theory and practice. You should evaluate the outcomes achieved against those planned at the outset of the project and reflect on lessons learnt. You will also submit all the source code and other project deliverables.


The project report should use the final version of your proposal as a reference point for reflection and comment on the project experience as a whole - comparing what was planned at the outset to what was achieved by the conclusion of the project. The report should clearly describe what was achieved.

You should also comment on the learning you achieved in the project and also, if relevant, any further learning that you need to undertake to build on your project experience and in preparation for employment in industry. Where relevant you should include references to academic literature to support your Project Reflective Report.

Your report should also include a summary of personal factors and factors internal and/or external to the industry that helped or hindered the achievement of the defined objectives and expected outcomes, or led to changes in any aspect of the original plan for your project and activities ie: objectives, tasks, methods, unplanned outcomes. The source code and other project deliverables for your project should be submitted via an online repository such as GitHub or BitBucket, and the details of how to access this repository must be included in your report.

This reflective nature of this report should be derived from a weekly journal kept by each of you during the project. It is expected that the Weekly E- journal entry (Assessment item 1) is a summary of the most pertinent information from each week's journal entries.


- Application of theoretical knowledge to the project
- Self-evaluation of your project performance and the development of any proposed improvement strategies demonstrating personal and professional responsibility for own learning and work outcomes.
- Critical evaluation of ICT professional issues.
- Professional conduct in the analysis and design of a project
- Communication of findings using professional level skills in project management, problem

Development of WK Ashman web-based secure client interaction space


WK Ashman is a financial services firm that specialises in supporting busy small business owners. This project involves adding a facility to the company website to facilitate secure sign-in to a client information space and to a secure individual client collaborative workspace. The client information space will take the form of a blog with an associated search engine. The client collaboration space will utilise customised variants of cloud-based collaboration tools to work on projects with individual clients in a secure space.

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Dissertation: Ict709 ict industry project - development of wk ashman
Reference No:- TGS02871227

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