Question: Topic 2: Disaster Management
Contact your local public health department to learn about its role in a local disaster, including the role of the nurses who work there.
I called the ......... county health department and spoke with a Mr. ............ He explained to me that he has a list of local nurses that he sends out an email to in order to ask for assistance when there is a need. Currently he is working out at the panhandle and stated that he does have a few volunteers from here who are helping to wrap things up at some of the shelters from the last hurricane. It's nice that all the countries that have help available come in and help when there is a need. He said that sometimes they need nurses to help with flu shots and such and so he sends out an email and if you are available you just show up. He asked me if I knew anything about the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC). I had only just read about it in our material this week. As you guys may already know the MRC is a government organization comprised of a large network of volunteers that come together to improve the welfare and safety of a community (HHS, 2016). Mr. .........asked if I was interested in being a part of it.
Would you be a good candidate to serve on a disaster team?
I do believe that I have something to offer the community, we all do. According to the information that Mr. ........ gave me, I have the opportunity to decline when I am needed if I have other obligations. So of course my job and my family come 1st. I did sign up to be part of the e-mailing group and Mr. ....... will be forwarding my information to another colleague in order to set up membership to the MRC.
Would your current employer be flexible in allowing you to participate in a disaster situation?
I am already part of the disaster team for work, so they would take priority. If I were PRN, I am sure they would be accommodating, but I am a full time staff member, and since being part of the MRC is voluntary, they would not be a priority for me at this time.
What is your personal preparedness to face a disaster?
We have a hurricane/disaster box prepared that has everything needed to help sustain us for 1 week. I have lived in FL for so long that I grew up with a family plan and so I carry that with me now that I have my own family. I have only ever evacuated once and having our preparedness box made that process a lot less stressful.