ICA 2 should provide a reflective account of how you feel your skills have developed. For example, you may reflect on how much value you have gained from interviewing other students and what you have learned about yourself, your performance in the psychometric tests etc.
It may be useful to look back at your answers to the Skills Audit that you completed earlier in the module. You may start by reflecting on the skills considered within that activity. For example, in the Skills Audit the four areas that were evaluated were:
- Giving oral presentations
- Undertaking group work
- Preparing written work
- Solving problems
You may wish to reflect on how you have developed these skills during the module. You could consider:
The range of skills you feel you have developed
What you felt your weakest area was and why
The steps you took to improve
Why you feel that area has improved
What steps you will continue to take to ensure you continue to develop this area in the future
How your awareness of the needs of employers has developed