
ias 37 provisions contingent assets and

IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Assets and Contingent Liabilities

IAS 37 was mattered in order to deal along with the subjective area of provision and to prevent the requirement of 'big bath provisioning' and the practice of profit smoothing. IAS 37 needs that in accordance along with the definition of a liability a provision should be made wherever the matter provides rise to a constructive or legal obligation and wherever there is a possibility that there will be an outflow of economic benefits that can be reliably measured.

In addition IAS 37 provides examples of how exact situations should be dealt in terms of recognition, measurement and disclosure depending on the circumstances. These involve onerous contracts, re-organizations and environmental contamination and restructuring costs. Contingent liabilities and contingent assets are dealt along with by IAS 37 also. Evidence is utilized to support their classification and disclosure is suitable under the standard.

The auditor's task is to receive sufficient evidence such the financial statements include simply valid provisions and such they adequate however not excessive and such adequate disclosures have been made.


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Auditing: ias 37 provisions contingent assets and
Reference No:- TGS0182117

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