
I490 final assignment final reflection essay organization


Assignment Directions:

You are required to write a Final Reflection Paper on your Internship work experience. This is to be a comprehensive report, NOT a brief outline of your daily duties and responsibilities. Below are the items you may want to use to reflect on your experience in your Reflection Paper. Although quality is stressed over quantity, you should expect to submit a report that is double-space and between 5-10 pages in length. It must be submitted to Canvas.

Please respond to eight of the topics listed below. Topics ONE (1) through SIX (6) are MANDATORY. Select and respond to three (3) or more from topics: SEVEN (7) through FOURTEEN (14).

This outline suggests observations and reactions you may experience on your job and in the environment in which you are working and living. The Weekly Assignments you completed during the internship should have allowed you to already explore many of these areas.

LIST and BOLD the topic number, and title, and respond accordingly.


1. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Discuss each of your learning objectives and learning activities.

A. List each Learning Objective and describe why you selected it and how well you accomplished it.

B. If applicable, relate how and why you would modify the original Learning Objectives you established. If relevant, report how useful the Learning Objectives were to your employer/supervisor.

2. ORGANIZATION DESCRIPTION: Give a brief description of the organization's history, function, and/or service. What part does your unit play in the general operation and success of the organization? Describe how your particular job contributes to the total operation. Portray your relationship with your supervisor and co-workers.

3. SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES DEVELOPED: Relate the skills and competencies you gained from this co-op work experience. Consider the full range of skills: manual, technical, communication (listening, speaking, writing, and reading), human relations and leadership/supervision.

4. BENEFITS OF THE FIELD EXPERIENCE: Develop a statement regarding the way(s) in which your internship work experience has been of benefit to you (be specific). These may be positive or negative. What strengths and weaknesses have you discovered in yourself because of this experience?

5. SELF-ANALYSIS: How did this internship experience affect your attitude toward yourself, your peers (both work and school), your career development, and pursuing further educational experiences?

6. ADVICE: What is the best piece of advice you received during your internship? What is the most important thing you take away from your internship experience? What is the best piece of advice you would give a friend who is about to begin planning for their internship experience?


7. SUGGESTED EMPLOYER IMPROVEMENTS: In case your employer/supervisor would welcome suggestions, what improvements in the organization's structure, policies, procedures, and operation might you suggest?

8. KNOWLEDGE GAINED: Report the various types of learning you have experienced. What new knowledge(s) did you acquire (a) of personal value, (b) as additions to your field of study, (c) that confirms or conflicts with what is learned in the classroom?

9. CAREER DEVELOPMENT: In what ways has the co-op work experience confirmed or modified your ideas and plans for a career? What specific area(s) of improvement will you need to accomplish to have success in your chosen career field?

10. WORK ATTITUDES: Based on your observations in your present work environment, how do you characterize the general attitude of employees toward work? Do you believe this represents the typical attitude about work in current society? Explain.

11. ETHICS: What effect do ethics in the workplace have on you as you approach your daily work? To what extent were ethical standards stressed in your college classes and by the employer/supervisor for whom you worked? What can be done to improve ethical behavior in the work world?

12. DIVERSITY: We are involved in an ever changing and diverse world. To what degree was diversity emphasized during your field experience? Describe how you experienced diverse ethnic, cultural, and social issues during your field experience. What important diversity issues do you see that will affect the future as you enter the world of work? What can you do to improve cultural and ethnic tolerance at work and in society?

13. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Many students find that the expression of their individuality conflicts with how they are expected to look and behave in the workplace. Did you experience this type of conflict or value conflict while you were completing your work experience? Describe those conflicts and how you dealt with them. In the resolution of such conflicts, what principles of psychology, sociology, or common sense are involved?

14. PROBLEM SOLVING: Identify a problem area where you are working or one that you had to solve while completing your internship experience.

1. Define the problem clearly.

2. Outline all the relevant facts surrounding the problem.

3. Provide suggestions for alternatives that would address this problem.

4. Choose your best solution and explain why.

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